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Contest: Spudgun or Ammo?

Total votes: 32
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Sat Aug 18, 2007 8:40 pm

You also have to have a category for people with cnc equipment, so that people with ordinary tools don't get destroyed.
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Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:01 pm

I have a great idea for uber cool potato gun ammo....
Really, this is a gun site, not an ammo site...
Really, this is a gun site, not an ammo site...
potato.jpg (1.79 KiB) Viewed 2243 times
<-- This is not a cat avatar

If it walks like a dog, sratches like a dog, and barks like a dog, than its probobly a...-TURTLE, it's a TURTLE!!! Cant you see?!!!
frankrede wrote:Great googlay mooglay!
Thats a beast!
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Sat Aug 18, 2007 9:31 pm

oh my god turbo, yes its a potato gun website but potato guns can shoot other things so you have to expand on that.Otherwise it would be extremely boring if all this site ever talked about was potato guns thats why we have bb/airsoft as well and pneumatics and marble guns etc. AMMO is the way to go it would provide outlets for creative thinking in which they can all be put to the test.

I sounded like a knobber didnt I? :D .But thats my view.AMMO!

Happy SPuddin'
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Sat Aug 18, 2007 11:40 pm

Why would you have the prizes be spudbux? There really isn't even a point in having them.
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Sun Aug 19, 2007 1:44 am

Seeing as we just had a spud gun contest, ammo sounds good.
And instead of spud bux which you can't do much with, the winner(s) could have what ever they made put up on the home page along with the winners form the last contest. Give the winner a more long lasting since of winning.
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Sun Aug 19, 2007 1:53 am

How bout a custom title of their choice? :wink: Its the only thing I need spud bux for. That and to buy my own sgort :lol:
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Sun Aug 19, 2007 3:10 am

yeh i agree with twitch a custom title for free that is only what i want SpudBux for anywho.
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Sun Aug 19, 2007 5:06 am

would be awsome
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Sun Aug 19, 2007 7:52 am

1st prize: Winner gets thier very own sgort, rest of prizes be spudbux.
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Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:10 am

Why that's not much of motivation if at all. No offense sgort lol.
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Sun Aug 19, 2007 10:00 am

The winner should get thier own custom title.
VH was awesome!!
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Sun Aug 19, 2007 10:26 am

I know that there'd be no motivation for me personally if the first prize was some forum ability available in the shop.

Let's keep it to actual money for the prize even if it means a few bucks for entry. I'm sure that with 5 bucks to enter you could easily get up to 100 if it was open to anyone....

I vote spudgun, I'm new so missed the last one and I think I got a pretty good cannon in the works thats very powerful and would like to enter it.
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Sun Aug 19, 2007 10:37 am

I vote ammo. I also like the spudbux/name/sgort idea too. Its better to keep virtual instead of introducing money to the issue.
@ Gepard: the motivation is to have fun and get some decent ammo :wink:

And anyone who doesnt like the idea, simply doesnt participate, so stop pissing and moaning!
really good quote/phrase here
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Sun Aug 19, 2007 3:50 pm

OK, lets get things straightened out here.

1, there will never be a contest on here that people have to pay to be in. Many of you are younger and there is no way some could pay to be in a contest... I just really don't like the idea. Someone has already sent me some money to be in a contest, or I could take it as a donation if there is no contest. If it wasn't for Paypal fees I would just send it back, but they would bairly get anything back so I am just taking it as a donation. Please do NOT send me any money for a contest.

2, an ammo contest would be cool but you have to remember I have to ensure a contest is totally fair. There is no way to judge ammo performance by a picture. Videos would work, but not everyone has a video camera.

3, as said earlier, an actual spudgun contest is out of the question. We just had a spudgun contest, we can't have one just a few months later. This community isn't large enough for that to work out.

I support the idea of a contest, and I will gladly put up a small prize that I could send to someone... if anyone could think of something. Or if something such as a vortex block or whatever was donated to the contest, that could work. However a contest has to be looked at from all perspectives, especially mine. I can not hold a contest that only few can enter, and I have to be fully sure that the contest can be judged as fairly as I can. Pictures of ammo damage could be faked, etc. It would happen.

The best idea I have been able to come up with was a penetration contest using video as the judgment, but as said earlier not everyone has a video camera, and guys with access to a CNC would have a major advantage.

EDIT - Oh and Spudbux as a prize is a waste. Who even knows... Spudbux may not even be around much longer, they may be replaced with something much better 8)
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Sun Aug 19, 2007 3:59 pm

insted of judging why not let people vote on who the winner is.
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