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New people being a little harsh?

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:24 pm
by iisthemuffin
Ive noticed a few newer people around here thinking they can talk down to people because they ask a question that has been answered. I was just wondering how the rest of you feel about this.

In my opinion, they are over emphasising the "SEARCH" rule. Of course its important and something everyone needs to know but its almost as if they do it just because everyone else does. Just because they feel as if they are now respected members of spudfiles and have the right to look down upon those new poeple with very little post count.

Theres a new guy that has made a few posts that he probably could have answered himself, or didnt need to make, but he also does not speak english well and for all we know, he may not understand some of the larger named forum sections, such as pneumatic. I didnt know what that was until about a year ago and ive been speaking english my whole life. Im not like Dr. Phil or anything and im not here to wine. Im just pointing out things i see.

The point im trying to make is, i think everyone comes here to learn SOMETHING. Even if they are just asking for plans, they still want to learn to build these things. Im not saying i think its okay to just post a thread requesting plans, but i also dont think its okay to yell and push those people away for doing so.

No one here is above anyone else. No one here has the authority to yell at a new person over a simple mistake. If it does need to be handled, thats why we have moderators.

Well, im sorry for this long rant. I know alot of people wont give it the time of day. But i just wanted to say what i had to say and hopefully get some opinions in return.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:37 pm
by MaxuS the 2nd
Well, what goes around comes around I guess.
You have so many people on here that scream at new people to use the search button. So that's what the new people do to even newer people. It's a bad habit really. Although people really do need to use the search before asking a mundane question that has already been answered hundreds of times.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:43 pm
by Phenom671
Strange, I used the search button before I even registered here. I don't think anyone should talk down to anyone whether or not they ask a question that's been answered. Maybe only when they keep saying the same things in a particular topic.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 5:52 pm
by TurboSuper
It's only mabye a couple of people who are freaking out, and they seem to be getting chastized as it is.

This seems to come up every few weeks or so, and BC P. wrote a 3-page essay on the very subject. I can't say attacking people for not searching is the right thing to do, but we have stickies all over the place for a reason...

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 6:01 pm
I don't judge people by their post count.. and yeah I do feel that people overuse the phrase "use search function' but there is one problem.. there are people who ask very basic questions instead of doing reasearch on their own

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 6:20 pm
by iisthemuffin
I understand excatly what all of you mean. These people really do need to use the search button. And even if they dont use the search button they could at least poke around topics and find some things out.

But what i am speaking of is the approach taken to these people when they post such topics or ask such questions. I believe a kinder approach would be much better suited. You dont want all of our new members leaving and going to other forums saying the people over at spudfiles are jerks and wont help you tie a knot.

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2008 6:58 pm
by CS
I haven't noticed much flaming - or anything of that nature.

If you see someone being a [male genital] PM a moderator and we will deal with it. But starting threads about those types of people, or posting in direct response to them is equally annoying.

If I could emphasize any single point, it would be this: This is a potato cannon forum. Because of that single fact most of what you do here should directly relate with potato cannons. Don't use this site as a social outlet, or trying to be cute and funny all the time.

If you feel the person simply hasn't put enough effort into searching, DO NOT reply to the poster. Post only if you feel like helping and have a relevant answer or assistance.

I think we all got the point so I'm going to lock this thread.