Which compressor, Which use.

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Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:46 pm

But on the website it says there not sold in stores! Thanks elitesniper because if they are sold in stores you probably just saved me 30-60 dollars is shipping.
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Sun Mar 02, 2008 10:58 pm

on the bottom of the aircompresor specs or side i forgot, it says walmart somewhere, its the only store thats sells them i think.
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Mon Mar 03, 2008 4:55 am

Hmm, well... geez..
haven't check ed the ol'email for a few...

Potatoflinger: yeah,youn can get a bad compressor from a pawn shop, but I've not had the experiance of that.Part of it is knowing what you're looking at ,ie about the age ot whatever.

tmacd995: Two oiless vs 5 oiled, hmm, not had that problem, either, must have been an improper or just a lack of maintenance thing. I still have two: one portable Emglo twin tank w/ the aux tank, as well as a 150 gal that I've converted to run on 220V since I don't need it on a jobsite anymore and electricity is cheaper than gas(was gas).why only in the summer do you be a framer?
Go with your gut instinct, it is never wrong.
I concede though that in the application involved herein, an oiless would be the ample if not adequate choice...besides, it'd be one less thing that you'd have to tinker with.
(english accent) :roll: postwhoreing I am, gotta get my awareness up on this site so people don't think I don't exist!
now don't bother me while I think somemore...
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Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:03 am

feral_patriot.... you need to pay attention to who posts what. and lack of maintenance is something whitetrash carpenters who shop at pawnshops are known for. if you had two or three 20,000 sq.ft homes going up in a year with 8-30 carpenters running off your Emglo(emglo is known for being POS through out the industry) they wouldn't last either.
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Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:20 pm

Bleu spud boy:Don't know what to say, other than I, personally, have never had ANY problems with the ones that I ran here in the nor'west. We seem to be in similar climates, too. This last one I have is gray w/ yellow, I bought it reconditioned from Doughboys Tool and Pawn 12 years ago, replaced the brushes once, maintained it myself: tear down, cleanup, copper tube replacement if needed, etc. . It is the one though, that I had bolted to the bed of my truck. Of course, I did forget that you are the have all and end all officianato of everything tool and framing. Your arrogance should not be confused with self confidence, the two are not mutual, even for white trash...which, no matter how far up the ladder you climb, as anyone with a brain knows, it doesn't matter how successful you are, if you're white trash when you started out, you'll be white-trash when you die; it's not about how many toys or how much money or status, it's about how you treat other people. If you wouldn't treat your own child that way, why would you do it to someone else? 'How would (I) explain what I've said or done to my smallest child, who looks up to me and thinks that (I) am the greatest thing in the world?'
By the same token, every tool on the market is known as a pos to somebody throughout the trade that it is applied to... it is a matter of personal preference and appropriate application. I certainly NEVER as you implied, and yet ignored your own statement, used a little emglo to build big houses or a lot of houses, I said that they were for pick-up/ punch- list work, and that I typically used a large industrial compressor for the actual work...so you're right, I should pay more attention to what is posted anfd by whom. I stand corrected.
There's a great chasm between pompous stupidity that contradicts itself and life experiance that tells us to look, think, and act (not react) accordingly.
I have absolutely no idea how I ever managed to stay in business for myself building houses for people for over 2 1/2 decades, maintaining what I had instead of throwing out and replacing, as well as running about the same people for at least half of that time without having to lay anybody off, except during the holidays as that was the time I set aside to be with my own family, too, and ya know(you don't bleu spudboy) that a man couldn't do that w/ out having built at least one custom somewhere along the line.
It's this kind of BULLSHIT that wasn't here before that is here now that I'm seriously considering that I've worn out my welcome here and that this really is a site not oriented to the common enjoyment of a gran hobby but more toward the incessant snipeing and bickering of people with under-developed senses of 2-7 year old mentalities. When I go, aetherguy(?) 881(?) will inherit the ever so small amount of spud bux that I've worked so abismally at acquiring.
A community doesn't snipe and ridicule its members for having the presence of mind to present another experiance that is valid to them in their own perceived reality. Each persons own perception is their own reality. We are all products of our own environments... and I am mature enough to admit publicly that there are things in my life that I've done that I regret having done; and have gone back and asked for forgiveness for.
I need an antacid,now.[/b]
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Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:48 pm

Most members of this community have no problem getting along fine, the trick is ignoring the ones who don't show common courtesy, not responding to them and making things worse.
Spudfiles' resident expert on all things that sail through the air at improbable speeds, trailing an incandescent wake of ionized air, dissociated polymers and metal oxides.
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Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:41 pm

I would echo DYI's point. It's not worth getting hung up on small things, because you can ignore people very easily here. If you're being drawn into an argument on the internet, then you're just wasting your time, and creating tensions that don't need to be there.

Usually, if you just ignore it, it will probably have been forgotten in just a few days.

I know I can't remember anything longer than 30 seconds, because why else would all these TV programs keep repeating things over and over again?
You know, if I could remember slightly longer, I'm sure it would be very annoying... what were we talking about?
Does that thing kinda look like a big cat to you?
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Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:29 pm

Well i went to my local walmart today but they didn't carry the compressor, its appears they only carried Brute pressure washer :( now ill have to pay for the shipping.
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Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:31 pm

aw thats too bad, are you sure they didnt have it? mabey it was sold out? was there an empty space somwhere in the shelve?
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Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:37 pm

It is in a little custmor help place i went to a wal mart last weekend and they had like 10 of them.
Try to look around a little more carefully I know they have it there if you cant find it ask.
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Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:41 pm

wow,this sh1t is way too funny. you insult me and possibly tmac by saying tmacd995: Two oiless vs 5 oiled, hmm, not had that problem, either, must have been an improper or just a lack of maintenance thing. did you not expect a response? you threw the first stone, blindly i might add.
this is where i quote you now
It's this kind of BULLSHIT that wasn't here before that is here now that I'm seriously considering that I've worn out my welcome here and that this really is a site not oriented to the common enjoyment of a grand hobby but more toward the incessant sniping and bickering of people with under-developed senses of 2-7 year old mentalities.
now i never sniped you or bickered with you prior to your post and yet you accused/assumed my compressors died of lack of maintenance or even improper.
another one of your quotes(spelling corrected)
A community doesn't snipe and ridicule its members for having the presence of mind to present another experience that is valid to them in their own perceived reality. Each persons own perception is their own reality.
that definitely sounded like a snipe in your post.

and we are not all products of our enviroment and the northwest is not the same climate as colorado

enjoy your TUMS
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Mon Mar 03, 2008 10:46 pm

bluerussetboy calm down if you want to have a nice big fight with feral_patriot please pm him we dont want to here al this rambleing.
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Mon Mar 03, 2008 11:18 pm

If i get a chance ill take a look, because there was some space on the shelves. Thanks for all the help. ( oh yeah on the website it says they dont sell the compressor in store)
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