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2inch sprinkler valve pilot problem

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 6:54 am
by Jacksa26
hi everyone,

for my latest project i am making a large bore pneumatic using a 2 inch sprinkler valve i was given recently. The chamber i am using to start off with is also 2 inch ( about a 1.5 feet long, consisting of 2x 45 degree elbows, 1x 90 degree fitting, and an end cap).
After modding the sprinkler valve i found that using a 1/4inch ball valve was an ideal pilot valve, however for my design i would rather use a blowgun as the pilot. I tried using one but it does not release the air fast enough and the diaphram wont even open.
Does anyone know if blowguns be modded well enough to open 2inch sprinkler valves? If not, what else could i use?
Thanks guys!

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:07 am
by jrrdw
Yes, you can mod your blow gun. The how to is in the Wiki, and maby even floating around here at Spudfiles. I don't know if that will make the difference or not, but is worth a try.

Some members pilot their piloting valve with a smaller sprinkler valve, 3/4" I think. That should vent your pilot chamber nicely.

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 7:09 am
by Blitz
In all honesty, I'd stick with the ball valve -- they're just much more effective at venting your pilot volumes. :)

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:25 am
by XxtriviumxX
And they are so simple :D

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:38 am
by D_Hall
Yes, it can be done....

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 8:46 am
by XxtriviumxX
Thats a pretty wacko setup there. But I would much rather use a simple ball valve than go to that much trouble. It would save alot of money to. :D

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:00 am
by biggsauce
Try using two? :D Imagine possibly a 1/2 nipple coming from the vavle into a tee, which leads to two 90's and your 2 blowguns. Modified blowguns even.

I'm guessing its the easy trigger setup you want? Two side by side may work. Although as others have said before me, ball valves are the way to go.

In the Spudtech forums, there is a cannon (maybe called the basher built by luckeythirteen?) which had 2 chambers and two 1" sprinkler vavles leading to a 2" or something barrel. The unique aspect was that his sprinkler vavles were piloted by two sprilnkler valves. He didnt mention his method to attaching them aside from JB Weld, but I would imagine a 1" close nipple and a pack or two of JB Weld will do the trick. I do remember he said it greatly increased performance.

Maybe this is something you could try. Like in the picture d_hall provided, you could do the same with gratuitous amounts of JB Weld and some determination.

So I realize this is a looong post. Sorry. Good luck

Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2008 9:56 am
by dewey-1

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 1:13 am
by Jacksa26
thanks a bunch for all your replies guys, i ended up just using the 1/4in ball valve for the trigger. I added in a 1/4in elbow as well to make the design more comfortable/easier to use and i rekon it looks a bit better (see the pics below).
I tried modding a blowgun i had lying around but it still didnt make a difference when i tried out on the gun.
thanks again!