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The Verminator- 7 mm sniper system

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:45 pm
by blind909
Ok, I made this gun about a month ago, and took me 8 days to finish. It is VERY powerful, and uses pressures of 150-200 psi. The chamber is 3/4 inch by 8 inch black steel pipe. the valve is a 1/4 inch springloaded ball valve, and has a 7 mm barrel. I added a daisy 4x15 scope. The stock vas made using a hacksaw, jigsaw, and a black and decker mouse sander. the upper portion of the stock is the pump grip off an old airsoft shotgun. It fires homemade 7 mm darts. the darts are 7 mm in diameter, and about 8 mm long. They are enough to instantly remove certain things from my garden :lol:. if there is anything else you would like to know, just say. Sorry, no pics with the barrel, I have to buy a new one tommorrow.





And it is too hot outside to do some damage pics, or a video (its 125 degrees out side)

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 3:43 pm
Looks interesting. I thought it looked like part of an m-60 stock.
Where's the trigger?
More pics! 8)

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:03 pm
by pocket
very nice looks to me like there are electronics there is this true kind of reminds me of a P-90 how much fps did u get probably pretty low since you are firing darts right?

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:15 pm
by blind909
I dont know the fps,but I rekon its very high, and the darts i use are small nails with a plastic bag tail and some electric tape cut into 2 mm strips. I trigger it by the keyring that you see. you hold it like a real rifle, and one hand goes by where a normal trigger would go, and the other havd goes by where the keyring is, and your thumb goes into the keyring, and to fire, you just pull you thumb out about 1 centimeter, very easy to hold, aim, and fire. There are no electronics.
here is a picture of the nails i used for the darts. ... hing_n.jpg

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:01 pm
by potatoflinger
It looks pretty good, but I'm sure it looks a little more realistic with a barrel on it.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:33 pm
There are no electronics, but over the summer, it will be remotely fired, so I dont scare the *targets* with my shadow. it will have a small motor that rotates a wooden round disk, and the rifle is mounted to thet disk via screws. then i will have a rod that is connected to an air cylinder that will move it up and down. all of this will be on a radio controlled car, with the top removed so i can mount the sniper system. I already have everything except for the motor.
no offence but do you think that would be enough to make a remotely operated gun ? surely you can fire it that way but how are you going to aim it and how accurate you can aim it using method you described ? plus it would be good if it was a semi auto.... Do you really want to turn it into a 'remotely controlled sniper system' ? if you want to do it in the right way it would take a lot of time and require more advanced parts than you described

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 5:45 pm
by blind909
I wont do it anymore Poland_Spud

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:13 pm
by noob of noobs
Looks awesome! If you ever do try to incorperate radio-controlled functions into the gun, you could maybe try using a laser pointer to aim. Might we look forward to damage pics? :) (of non-living things of course.)

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 12:30 pm
by Ragnarok
Were you struggling to think of an original name?
The Verminator by FX Airguns. :P

That's quite nicely put together, but if you are using it on living things, you should really stop. Spudguns aren't consistently accurate or truly powerful enough to ensure a completely clean and humane kill.

The only thing I ever use on living targets is my Air Arms, which although it's ft-lbs are barely out of single figures, I know it can put 10 pellets into a 1/4" grouping at 20 yards, so it's more than accurate enough to make the best use of it's limited energy.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 3:56 pm
by blind909
@Noob of Noobs, I already have a laser, I just havent got around to mounting it.

@Ragnarok, I never heard of that airgun.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:13 pm
by Ragnarok
blind909 wrote:@Ragnarok: I never heard of that airgun.
I'm not overly surprised - airguns don't exactly get much interest in the states. It is a very good compact airgun though.

Anyway - I was kidding. :P

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:16 pm
@Ragnarok, I never heard of that airgun.
100 monkeys theory proven again. It's happened to me before too.
Course jokingly I am a monkey.

Also @ Ragnarok, You'd be surprised how cleanly [stuff] can be "verminated" using an underpowered kiddy lever action Daisy BB gun, a Q-Tip cut in half with a finishing nail and electrical tape.
(friend wanted to keep up with me as children and that's all he had)
Same experience is what got me to the concept of shooting air-powered arrows. 8)

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:39 pm
by Ragnarok
THUNDERLORD wrote:100 monkeys theory proven again. It's happened to me before too.
Course jokingly I am a monkey.
The irony here is that I had to go and look up the 100 monkeys theory - and now I know what it is, I can see it's ironic.
Also @ Ragnarok, You'd be surprised how cleanly [stuff] can be "verminated" using an underpowered kiddy lever action Daisy BB gun, a Q-Tip cut in half with a finishing nail and electrical tape.
That doesn't really mean that you should.
I'm pretty sure that I could load one of my launchers with a "buckshot" of steel BBs and dispatch squirrels very effectively like that, but I don't, because I'm not 100% certain it would work, not to mention there would be a lot more collateral damage.

Usually I have to shoot the things off bird feeders to stop them damaging them (as well as stop them nicking the food), and it would be pretty pointless to do something that destroyed the bird feeders in the process.

So, the air rifle gives me good certainty of a clean kill, but still does the job with the minimum application of force in just the right place.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 4:40 pm
by blind909
This airgun will instantly get rid of *stuff* in 1 shot.

Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2008 5:03 pm
by noob of noobs
With a 7mm barrel? I don't know, there was that one guy I heard about in a mining shaft that got a 30 foot steel rod blown through his head and lived. Obviously, it was a rare occurance, but I still wouldn't want to risk having a half dead bunny flopping around my garden moaning with a a nail rammed through it's foot. :cry:
But hey, it's your choice.