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Silent System( now broken by dieseling!)
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:21 pm
by Brian the brain
Just something I have been wanting to try for a long time.
I tried this system before on my " push botton valve" experiment.It needed more flow..
Take a barrel, shove in a rubber " sabot" and put a reducer on the muzzle.
The sabot can now push an arrow, but it cannot exit the barrel.
A drilled out center point helps to keep the arrow aligned and steady.
This causes the gas to be
Of course..I made it so that not doesn't seal 100% ..the air bleeds out slowly..
resulting in a silent shot.
An arrow gives better penetration while the sabot gives it more force..
Unfortunately, threading a reducer into the muzzle made the barrel sleeve turn over it's foam tape insides and droop even more, but this is just a prototype,
I will replace it by a shiny new barrel
all together
*( " I will replace...")*
I will also drill ports in front of the sabot to enable it to push out the air in front faster.Next try the system will be removable, so I can still fire marbles and 16 mm ball bearings if I choose to.
The arrow ( or airrow..) got launched in complete silence, apart from the impact, wich was not too loud and most importantly, doesn't even sound like a shot.
Damage was done at under 300 psi.The gun could take a lot more..
The target is 4cm thick quality hardwood, shot at a 90 degree angle to the fibers. ( hardest to do)
So much for reusable arrows..I can't get it out...
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:42 pm
by jrrdw
Try and get a video with good sound posted if you can. Nice work.
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:45 pm
by Brian the brain
Like that ever worked before...
I'll spell it for you..
POK ( impact)
That's it..
This is easier than a silencer too.
Anyone can build this!
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 7:02 pm
by roboman
That's incredible!
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this gun operates something like a pop-off/burst disk (pressure builds up, and at a certain point, it lets go)?
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:10 pm
by Ragnarok
Just imagine what a longer barrel and arrow will do at 40 bar.
Smash the sabot catcher off the end of the barrel?
I know there have been various silent firearms based around the same "trapped gas" technique, but the idea of having high velocity and somewhat weighty pieces smashing around inside a launcher has never appealed.
(Pistons being an exception, they seldom have much acceleration distance)
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:22 pm
by VH_man
so wait... Theres a Sabot that always remains inside the cannon?
I'm assuming it fires somewhat like the
Msp Silent Pistol. If so, very sweet. And a little scary. In a good way.
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:28 pm
by JDP12
Operates almost exactly like the bs-1 tishina...
I've thought about something like that before for paintball, this may be the motivation to work on it again!
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:19 pm
by jackssmirkingrevenge
ilovetoblowthingsup wrote:Operates almost exactly like the bs-1 tishina...
The idea is certainly not new but good to see it implemented
and since it's soooo silent, he cannot use the neighbours as an excuse for not making a video
I'm guessing it's pretty much identical to the SP-4 cartridge concept using a cylindrical projectile driven by a piston?
unfired cartridge
piston jammed against cartridge, projectile fired.
Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:49 pm
by JDP12
Yup.. Dang I wish I had more money to do all the projects I want to
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 12:54 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
ilovetoblowthingsup wrote:Yup.. Dang I wish I had more money to do all the projects I want to
This can be done pretty cheaply as an attachment for a "standard" launcher, I like the rubber sabot idea, heavy but it helps to soften the impact. If you carve out a small space in the centre of the piston, you wouldn't be limited to cylindrical projectiles either, though accuracy would probably suffer.
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:30 am
if you carve out a small space in the centre of the piston, you wouldn't be limited to cylindrical projectiles either
already suggested
accuracy issues probably could be solved by adding a short length of small bore barrel at the muzzle. It would be the best to have a short tapered section of the barrel facing the piston so that the projectile could get in the barrel
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 4:44 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
POLAND_SPUD wrote:accuracy issues probably could be solved by adding a short length of small bore barrel at the muzzle. It would be the best to have a short tapered section of the barrel facing the piston so that the projectile could get in the barrel
Precisely what I was thinking
still, the projectile cannot be too off-centre, otherwise you'll fire the barrel off as well
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:25 am
by Major Collins
nowwww just make some shotgun ammo and it really will be a sawn off : ) and the idea of a silenced sawn off .... lol
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 6:53 am
by jrrdw
Brian the brain wrote:uh-huh...
Like that ever worked before...
I'll spell it for you..
POK ( impact)
That's it..
This is easier than a silencer too.
Anyone can build this!
...That's got to be the quitest video I never heard, sweet!
Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 7:55 am
by Jack_Hogg
This is a very good way of making dart barrels
I also thought of this concept, but thought it would blow off
the reducer by kinetic energy of the "pusher/sabbot/piston"
Well, I am really thinking of making this too of my 22mm
barrel. It would be very silent. So I would have a very
loud shotgun big smoothbore barrel and a super silent dart
barrel. This is awsome
Nice build