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Mi rifle 6mm

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:05 pm
by maklaw
jackssmirkingrevenge wrote:Finally :)

proper translation as promised:

Good day, this is my 6mm rifle, even though it is far from finished.

Over time I have made modifications and tried different configurations, I also made a small handgun with these parts however I don't have photos.

I still need to add a magazine, pop-off valve and improve the aesthetics.



current state:



some damage photos using airsoft BBs:




The red circles indicate holes from a 4.5mm air rifle using pointed Gamo pellets


6mm steel BB (the airsoft BB did no damage)



Various steel and airsoft BBs fired at a steel disk drive casing:


red circles indicate airsoft BBs, blue circles indicate steel BBs at 210 psi, yellow circles indicate steel BBs at 400 psi:


Detail of steel BB at 400 psi showing a perfect circular penetration:


Does anyone know what data one should put into GGDT for a 1/8" QEV?

Many thanks to spudfire (?) for this great forum, it is very difficult for me to understand what is being said using google translate, although this way every day I learn something new.

I now know a lot more than when I started out (which I haven't really applied in this launcher, quite the contrary, I gave more value to ease of manufacture than power). My next project is a copper cannon using a hammer valve.

Greetings from Spain, keep it up!

Re: Mi rifle 6mm

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:22 pm
by Davidvaini
maklaw wrote:Hi, this is my rifle 6mm is still much to do ...

Over time it has been changing and trying different settings, even made
a small pistol with these pieces but I have pictures, I need to put a charger
add a pop-off and shape it to look better.


And some photos of their power using airsoft balls

The red circles are of a commercial rifle deer spring 4.5 with pellet of lead
tip: [/ img]

6mm pellet iron (airsoft does not do anything)

airsoft pellet and iron at different pressures, the iron is a floppy drive

airsoft red circles, blue circles steel 210psi, 400psi steel yellow circle

400psi steel detail, by any standards is a perfect circle:

Anyone know the data to introduce a QEV CCDG 1 / 8 "?

Spudfire thank you very much for this great forum, friends I can hardly understand what they say
yet they are moved to google every day I go and learn something new.

Now I have a lot more knowledge than when I started (I have not been implemented
in this canyon rather the contrary, I value the comfort more power) the
next will be a hammer gun with valve made of copper.

Many thanks to jackssmirkingrevenge for your help, without opening not possible,
then I would translate it said.

Greetings from Spain, continue.
Spanish to English Translation brought to you by Google.

Re: Mi rifle 6mm

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:28 pm
by maklaw
Ok, gracias.

No lo hice asi por que lo intente anteriormente y no me entendieron

Ok, thanks.

I did not try it so that before and did not understand me

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:32 pm
by Brian the brain
That's okay, we didn't understand you either

Welcome to the forum!

Re: Mi rifle 6mm

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 2:45 pm
by jackssmirkingrevenge
edit: translation in original post

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:04 pm
by wyz2285
cool a spanish :D I´m form portugal, looks like they sales qevs there :roll: I will go there to get one during holidays :P

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 5:47 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
Mucho mejor con las fotos asi :)

Can a mod clean up the thread please?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 9:10 am
by mark.f
Nice! Some more information on the pilot and fill setup for the "current state" would be nice. For instance, is that a tank acting as the "stock"? Does your pilot close off flow from the tank when piloting? Etc., etc...

Good job nonetheless. I can only suggest cleaning up the spacer towards the pressure gauge between the chamber and barrel. A hose clamp shrouded in some rubber tubing (or just the hose clamp if it doesn't bug you) would work fine.

<s>I have not studied Spanish for over two years, so unfortunately Google translator will have to do the work for me.</s>

EDIT: This translates funny. Suffice to say I don't know Spanish.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:11 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
mark.f wrote:Nice! Some more information on the pilot and fill setup for the "current state" would be nice. For instance, is that a tank acting as the "stock"? Does your pilot close off flow from the tank when piloting? Etc., etc...
The firing chamber is under the barrel, while the CO<sub>2</sub> tank (filled with compressed air) is the main chamber. The firing chamber has to be manually refilled for every shot.

The pilot is a simple schrader valve, covered with a cap that depresses the stem.

On an unrelated note, one of the targets reminded me of a joke:
I've just been attacked by a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.

Ironically, he wasn't wearing a mask so I don't know which one it was.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:21 am
by mark.f
I see. What pressure is the CO<sub>2</sub> tank filled to? I assume 450 PSI or thereabouts due to the shock pump, but I could be wrong? Is the tank regulated to the guns operating pressure?

Any ideas on the chamber volume so we can get an idea of shots/fill for the reservoir?

Lots of questions, but you seem to know the answers.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:40 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
mark.f wrote:Lots of questions, but you seem to know the answers.
I was consulted during manufacture :wink:

He's using a fridge compressor to fill to around 500 psi max, no word on how many shots per fill. The tank isn't regulated though so the power curve is relatively steep, I don't expect more than 5 or so useful shots at 500 psi.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 10:54 am
by mark.f
That's what I was wondering. I figured you were consulted a good bit. :wink:

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:24 am
by maklaw
voy hacer una prueba a 500psi

yo suelo tirar a 200psi que tiene potencia suficiente para dañar lo que ponga, obtengo unos 50 disparos a 500psi puede ir a mas, pero no hace falta forzar el compresor frigorifico

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 11:34 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
La camara principal esta a 500 psi y tu presurizas la camara de disparo solo hasta 200 psi? Si es asi, como lo haces, manualmente? No hay un regulador entre los dos camaras, verdad? 50 disparos es impresionante.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:32 pm
by maklaw
mark.f wrote:Good job nonetheless. I can only suggest cleaning up the spacer towards the pressure gauge between the chamber and barrel. A hose clamp shrouded in some rubber tubing (or just the hose clamp if it doesn't bug you) would work fine.
it is far from finished.
Tenias un papel albal y cinta aislante a mano xD
mark.f wrote:<s>I have not studied Spanish for over two years, so unfortunately Google translator will have to do the work for me.</s>

EDIT: This translates funny. Suffice to say I don't know Spanish.
Lo entiendo, es difícil pero opinen lo que puedan plz
mark.f wrote:Nice! Some more information on the pilot and fill setup for the "current state" would be nice. For instance, is that a tank acting as the "stock"? Does your pilot close off flow from the tank when piloting? Etc., etc...
jackssmirkingrevenge wrote:La camara principal esta a 500 psi y tu presurizas la camara de disparo solo hasta 200 psi? Si es asi, como lo haces, manualmente? No hay un regulador entre los dos camaras, verdad? 50 disparos es impresionante.
En un futuro el palo negro se alarga asta cañon simulando un cerrojo de sniper. (ver la foto de abajo)

Hoy hice pruebas:
botella co2 casi 600psi, regulado a 200psi 42 disparos efectivos, luego -200

9 disparos de 600psi asta 400psi muuuuy fuertes :twisted:
El rango optimo de disparo esta entre 390 y 200psi
tengo que hacer el silenciador YA! me voy a quedar sordo

jackssmirkingrevenge puedes traducir esto de abajo por favor ?? si pueden decir el volumen en ml mejor xD
¿¿sugerencias para disparar mas fuerte y menos consumo?? estoy por hacer 2 camaras en linea una primera mas pequeña para disparar a maximo psi y otra para disparar a 200psi separadas por una valvula de bola.