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QEV in Germany?

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:07 pm
by The_Guerilla_Guy
Hello spudfiles,
long time no see, but school and some work got me distracted.

After some failed tests with homemade piston valves I now decided to try a commercial QEV.

I tried hard to find some suppliers here in Germany but to no success.
If there are any other german members pls help me out, otherwise could someone give me a link where I could buy one preferably from the UK?

I'm currently working on a SVD Replica, but i first want to have the gun working before trying to fit a stock etc.

As always, happy spudding

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:19 pm
by nathanhd123
Here is a great UK site for buying pneumatic components. This is there page on QEV's ... de=S070139

You will have to check if they ship to Germany. Unfortunately this weekend is a bank holiday so they probaly wont be open till tuesday.

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:24 pm
by The_Guerilla_Guy
Great, thanks a lot for the moment, I'll give it a try

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:26 pm
Searching for suppliers - you're doing it wrong

There are places selling them - I am sure.

Have you acctually googled the word 'Schnellentlüftungsventile' or were you lazy enough to assume that everyone everywhere calls them QEVs?

EDIT ...

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:33 pm
by Labtecpower
I can't imagine there are no QEV dealers in germany, as it is a country full of machine factories and well known part producers.

Festo is german too, for example. This however is one of those ^&$#&*%$*%-ass companies not selling parts to privates.

@ PS: When are you going to build your hybrid? I have beaten you :D

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:33 pm
by The_Guerilla_Guy
Thanks Poland,
I tried googling that of course ;), but somewhere on that site it says the minimum price is 75 €, which I don't want to pay as I dont have much other things to buy.
Other sites sell them for over a hundred € a piece, that joke kinda tells itself.
I guess I maybe could find some at a hardware store two towns away, I'll have a look there, but usually they aren't sold in shops over here :(

Anyway, I'll try and see what I can get, thanks so far

Festo is german too, for example. This however is one of those ^&$#&*%$*%-ass companies not selling parts to privates.
Yep, another problem I ran into, maybe it's just too late for me to do real research ;)

And I can't say when I'm going to build the gun, but it'll be a pneumatic only. A SVD replica? haven't seen that yet, but I don't surf the hybrid section too much

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:51 pm
by nathanhd123
Ok I have just cheched and shipping to Germany is £25 from

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 2:54 pm
PS: When are you going to build your hybrid? I have beaten you
I might have to change the topic to mass genocide and why we all hate germans to avoid answering the question


what about this one ? ... ntile.html

If that doesn't help check ebay or order them from poland - it's closer and cheaper

try this one -> ... 1_155.html
it isn't the cheapest one but at least you can change the language of the site to german

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:29 pm
by jackssmirkingrevenge
Lately there have been some very reasonably priced QEVs appearing on eBay, here's an example.
The_Guerilla_Guy wrote:And I can't say when I'm going to build the gun, but it'll be a pneumatic only. A SVD replica?
Well sort of.