I built a full auto paintball gun using mostly PVC piping. I decided to modify it by rebuilding the bolt mechanize from the ground up. Now it can use double 'A' batteries as the projectile. I have a photo but i also made a few videos of it. General testing, RPM testing and range testing.
600 rounds per minute testing:
General testing:
RPM testing:
range testing:
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:31 am
by jerome
DUDE! sweet video and well done, thats got some real promise there, keep it up! And please add some still shots so we can better see the mechanism! awesome!
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:58 am
by jakethebeast
Thats quite awesome! could you tell me how it works?
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 8:48 am
by pneumaticcannons
Wow thats awesome! mind posting a few pictures of the blow forward bolt? I might want to try and make a piston valve version
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 10:25 am
by mark.f
Looks good. I see you've run into feeding problems. Happens a lot, and something I haven't really solved either.
Also, considering it's fully automatic, couldn't you choose some cheaper ammunition?
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:07 am
by Technician1002
Batteries tend to fly sideways for some reason. I had the same problem with shots of any decent distance. The AA shots were close in. The conduit was moderate distance and still shows signs of turning. The D cell did a belly flop on the metal. This is a washing machine.
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:40 am
by wyz2285
I understand teh semi, but how does the full auto works?
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 12:06 pm
by e_smith2000
wyz2285 wrote:I understand teh semi, but how does the full auto works?
Full auto will only work if i add a little something to the trigger valve. As you can see i have a modified sprinkler valve - so i can use it without power. I have a BB being pushed against the exhaust hole on the bottom of my trigger valve. This does 2 things - the first is that it wont let it fire if its below a certain PSI. The second is that when it does fire it doesn't allow the tank to drain completely - it only drops its pressure by about half. These 2 in combination to the blow-forward bolt allows me to operate this gun as a fully automatic weapon.
I would like to try and use one of these (link below) instead of the BB as it would allow a lot more control.
That's a great design, simple yet effective. my congratulations
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 3:51 pm
by e_smith2000
jakethebeast wrote:Thats quite awesome! could you tell me how it works?
the basic idea on how this works is; air comes and pushes a bolt forward, pushing a battery along with it, once the bolt is all the way forward air is allowed to flow though the bolt and push the battery out of the barrel. once the pressure drops a spring pushes the bolt back, clearing the way for another battery to fall in to place. As the bolt is being pushed back it is also stopping more air from flowing out, this redirects more air in to the sprinkler valve causing it to seal up faster - with the help if a BB and another spring.
i have uploaded a tutorial on how to make the push-forward bolt for a paintball gun, you can watch that if you would like an extensive explanation on how it works. Its the same idea as the bolt in this gun but everything inside is a bit longer.
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:09 pm
by e_smith2000
I have uploaded some more pictures.
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:37 pm
by Gun Freak
Looks cool! The problem with these homemade large bore BFBs that aren't made with lathes are that they have a lot of dead space. Not sure if it's harming performance though.
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 4:46 pm
by e_smith2000
Gun Freak wrote:Looks cool! The problem with these homemade large bore BFBs that aren't made with lathes are that they have a lot of dead space. Not sure if it's harming performance though.
Altho it is true that i didn't have a lathe, i did have the next best thing(s) - A clear state of mind, patience, a power drill, duct tape, vice grips, sand paper, and tacos.... lots of tacos.
Using everything above i was able to get everything to fit exactly as i wanted it. Where i needed the pipe to be snug, it is so. Where i needed it to be loose, it is loose.
Posted: Thu Nov 03, 2011 5:06 pm
by Gun Freak
Works for me I think I see some taco sauce in there