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Airsoft BB 200psi rifle. (AB200-R)

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 5:42 am
by CpTn_lAw
So here it is, my last spudgun revised.better seal for the piston, better pressure in (200+ psi is quite loud...)
I've done some damage pics and some ballistics gel :D thanls to sniperman.
A 0.20g BB penetrates up to 10cm in the ballistics gel, 5 after going through a tin can :)
it fuly enetrates two corn tin cans, and dents the third. my penetrating ammo (basicly an arrow bit cut to be short.)
at 200 psi, the BB leaves the barrel at 280 m/s....hehehe
but, it solws down very quickly. the penetrating ammo weights 5 grams so it fly at 90 m/s.
here are the pics...the big white conteiner is a 5L demineralised water container.

sorry if the pics are a little blurry, i've taken them with my built in web cam (macbok pro)
and i want feed back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 9:30 am
by CpTn_lAw
no reply???no comments? gotta make something very spectacular then....

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 10:10 am
by Bluetooth
Thats pretty awesome. I love the ammo but aren't arrows expensive?

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 10:22 am
by mark.f
What do you use to get it up to 200 PSI? An automotive 12v compressor?

If so, keep that sucker oiled up good, and let it rest a little. Otherwise, it'll burn out or pop a seal in a heartbeat.

I thought it was cool seeing my copper gun soar up to 250 PSI with our little compressor, but it wasn't so cool when the thing quit working and leaked air out the little vent thingies. :oops:

You can also probably find some 6mm metal bearings off McMaster or someplace similar. That would allow your projectiles to maintain their kinetic energy after they leave the barrel.

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 10:22 am
by schmanman
do you have a link to the ballistics gel page? I would like to make some.

nice gun, what size is the barrel. that is cool ammo, but a little expensive. did you cut up the rest of the shaft, and use that for ammo, too?

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 11:00 am
by POS
nice gun. Very nice arrow thing ammo.

Posted: Fri Nov 24, 2006 3:52 pm
by CpTn_lAw
i pump it with a high pressure pump but i usually overpass the max rating of the pump :P
I had a 6mm steel ball bearing bu it was damn heavy and flew only with 130 m/s...i want velocity.
My 0.20g (according to GGDT) fly at 309m/s....that's high !!!

ballistics gel is made of cooking gelatine (1 part) and boiling water (9 part) in weight. so if you want 500 g of gelatine, you put 50 g of cooking gelatine and 450 g (450 ml) of boiling water. you mix it and put it in the fridge.
when it's hard enough for you, get it off and fire at it!!
for christmas i'll buy a soldering torch and i'll create two HP rifles.
A small gun, piston, and blowgun actuated
A rifle with stock, piston, and blow gun actuated i'll post y plans.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:30 am
by CpTn_lAw
The copper pipe i use is very similar to airsoft precision barrels except that they're even tighter : 6.01 mm
It's basicly a 8mm OD pipe.
I shoot corn, salt, hot water when cold outside , when puting propane in the barrel and a lighter a the end of it, it make a WOOSH that's pretty cool(works only with low pressure)
otherwise, it funny to shot small bits of potato or carrot...when i stuck an arrow in, i can shoot pellets as the ID of arrows is a perfect fot for .177 pellets and BB's...that's it..

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 12:26 pm
by CpTn_lAw
i'm bringing new damage pics!!!
here is is a stainless steel plate the three penetrations were caused by the piercing ammo :twisted: and the two dents were made by two different BB's (airsoft) that were totaly flattened after the ricochet.

sorry, i'll post 'em later tonight...

here are them:

the last shot hit the cap on the side and took it off the bottle...imagine the energy it was still having, as it had already gone through the bottom of the bottle....hope you like 'em

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 6:58 am
by Angel-FR
realy awsome , could post picts of your entire gun ?


Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 7:30 am
by CpTn_lAw
The pics are posted on top of the page, it's basicly a piston rifle, that shoots at 300+ m/s....that stands for 1000 fps....

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:31 am
by zeppelin
this is realy cool men : i love this gun.
In the damage pictures you were shooting from witch distance?

can you post a pic. of the piston please.It could help me .

David :wink:

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:50 am
by CpTn_lAw
hey David, good to see you registered at last!!! the piston is a litle marmalade cap with a neoprene disk glued on it.i'll post a pic later. i was shoting from 5 meters away...

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 6:15 pm
by CpTn_lAw
i have taken it to 330 psi yesterday...there was an anormaly loud and deep bang. i didn't see the BB fly, i did see something hurt the ground 30 meter from where i was, but as it seemed simultaneous with the firing, it is only possible if i broke the sound barrier.
The piercing ammo goes 190m/s lol, enough to cause some damage...
The BB's according to GGDT are sent at 353 m/s, unfortunately, i didn't port it on this computer and i sold the other... :?
the BB's are totaly flatened and cracked when fire at concrete. The piercing ammo goes through one side of concrete, and lead pellet are desintegrated on impact...

Posted: Sat Jan 13, 2007 7:41 pm
by Pyro Ninja
cool good job
nice and clean