Very nice job on this gun...really the only "upgrade" lacking is a metered propane system. A gun this nice really begs a proper propane injection. If you don't want to build a full on-board meter and tank, you could go with a simple external meter/injector system. Here's an example I've come up works great, cheap to implement, makes the gun a lot lighter....
Also, your ignition could be improved with a additional spark gap.
Welcome to Spudfiles! Beautiful gun there.
el perkele by tiniboule (french)
Now that's just annoying.
I vote for the thread to be deleted, the user came back and deleted everything in his first post so there is in fact no cannon to see here
I vote for the thread to be deleted, the user came back and deleted everything in his first post so there is in fact no cannon to see here
Just thought I would pos the link to his original thread on so the people who havent seen it yet can. ... -t2432.htm ... -t2432.htm