There's nothing really professional about it, common plumbing parts and well thought out. A metering system like this can be the fueling basis for all the combustion cannons that you build, experimental or otherwise.tigeraceray wrote:Dude I didn't say I was poor. I don't see a point to paying for a professional system at this point or on a experimental build like this one. I don't even know if all the additions will work so pouring extra money into it on a cannon that is purely a testbed is pretty stupid to me. Maybe on the next one I make if this one proves successful, but not for me on this one. Too many unknowns for me.
He implied that this is not his first cannon and was primarily asking about gasoline as fuel on his next cannon. He was properly steered away from gasoline.jrrdw wrote:Hey guys, most all spudders start with a spray & pray as their 1st combustion. In this case he was asking about fuel. His 1st will probably be a S&P. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that, they are a hell of a lot of fun...
Yep, S&Ps are fun for a while.