No, it really wasn't.whitewolf wrote:So in fact the way I did it was more safe than if I had of sealed the whole thing up.
The whole point of these cannons operations is that the pressure is directed through the breech and into the muzzle. Doing any thing other than that defeats the point of operation, and causes other areas of hazard - in this case, a wildly flying plumbing fitting.
Again, no it wouldn't have blown up. The cannon's materials are capable of withstanding the pressures generated by the combustion of such a mix for an indefinite amount of time, far longer than the pressure peak will last.What would have happened if all the pressure could not have escaped through that little hole within the fraction of the second that the explosion took place? It would have blown the cannon up.
It sounds to me like you're trying to justify your, to be frank, poor decision with a retroactive explanation for why you did it. None of your justifications hold any water for us, because we've spent many years gluing cannons, and then - Shock, horror - not having them explode.
Half true (likely points of failure can usually be identified well in advance of any event, but being certain is unlikely), but the point is, that with a well built cannon, there should be absolutely no failures anyway.I am more worried about it exploding AFTER I seal it up, because in that situation there is no telling which part of the cannon is going to fail, and how.
Not gluing on a fitting ensures you know where it's going to fail - it also ensures you know when, which will be the next (and every) time you fire it - and completely voids the point of the cannon.
It's simple maths.
My cannons that have been glued completely: 0 destructive failures per shot, the ideal.
Your unglued cannon: 1 destructive failure per shot, the worst possible.
If you're fretting over that, (a very unlikely event in the first place) wear safety goggles - which you should really be doing anyway.focusing it all in one spot, which might have been my eyes or my hands.
Your hands might get minor burns, but shouldn't be unduly injured by the short burst of heat - you can also wear gloves if you want.
Unsafe manor? You mean, like it's got weakened floorboards, a haunted cellar or a murderous butler?Radiation wrote:in such an unsafe manor
Sorry, but while the rest of your post was fine in terms of language, you got a little muddled up there.