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Valier-Oberth Moon Gun

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:21 am
by Atlantis
Thought you guys might find this interesting.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:29 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
As mentioned in the link this theory was put into practice by the Nazis as the V-3 Hochdruckpumpe long range artillery piece.

It's been proposed several times both here and on spudtech to use the same theory of multiple pressure chambers along the barrel, but in practice you can achieve the same effect by simply using a larger chamber to start off with.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 5:19 am
by mega_swordman
That is neat, although if they were "replicating" Verne's idea, I would much rather see it work in a likeness to how Verne described it. It's still neat either way.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 6:24 pm
by sandman
my uncle told me that he machined the barrel for a company making a gun using this design.
(he works for a machine shop). except it used hydrogen as the propellant

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 2:10 pm
by MetalMSTR
wow they are crazy if it works an hit the moon (i think will not hapen)they will blast the moon off and it they dont get it...probabiliy the rocket come back down and smash brutaly their heads (i want to see this) :twisted: :twisted: human grinded meat :twisted: