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Future Reference ?
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:49 pm
by Rob748
I had an idea, if you can use metered mapp gas or propane could you use metered acetylene ?, If you could I would be using schedule 40 or 80 steel piping. It would be a advanced combustion but different fuel and a way stronger combustion chamber.
Thanks Im not doing this now but just a question.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:59 pm
by trigun
acetylene is extremely tempermental. The gas can instantaneously explode under pressure or ideal temp. Stay away from it with spudguns.
Also once again a little bit of research would have found this answer easily and I am becoming very irritable when answering your questions.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:04 pm
by Rob748
Whats better than propane ? I will look around the site to ok.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:10 pm
by Rob748
And I looked on google, it says do not use in spudguns. If the chamber was built out of steel it should hold up. Does anyone have any other high powered fuel for a steel combustion chamber ?
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:13 pm
by trigun
mapp> propane
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:45 pm
by Rob748
What about hydrogen, If the chamber was built out of steel shouldnt it be able to hold up? what gas other than mapp or propane is stable enough to use ? hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Acetylene ?
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:01 pm
by sputnick
helium and oxygen are not combustible.
What's wrong with propane mapp and butane?
I have yet to see any cannon from you yet, so why not play with propane before you deem it obsolete.
EDIT: and also as a little estimation on my part,
I would say that someone who did not know that helium and oxygen where not combustible would likely not have the means to finance a steel cannon.
So just stick with propane for now, really, you probably have no idea what your dealing with, so be safe.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:10 pm
by Rob748
Hey guys im just trying to find out what kind of fuel yhou can use that is better than propane, like I said earlier IM NOT BUILDING THIS CANNON. Im just wondering hence Future reference..........
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:24 pm
by sputnick
Yes well wondering for what!?!?!?
You have no gun, much less one you have used propane in, and you claim you don't even intend to build one.
Why then would you start this thread? future reference for what?
Honestly rob, once you build a cannon, THEN ask these questions. you're Just posting for the sake of posting and it is starting to annoy people.
And because for some reason no one has said it, research it yourself, there are countless references you can find on the subject.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 6:27 pm
by Lentamentalisk
The easiest way to get a fuel better than propane, is to just add more air, and more propane... Acetylene is incredibly unstable, and H2 is just a PITA to make. Propane on the other hand, is simple, so your answer, is MOAR! (of course you still need to keep the stoichiometric ratio right though)
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:27 pm
by trigun
trigun wrote:Also once again a little bit of research would have found this answer easily and I am becoming very irritable when answering your questions.
Yes, sputnick I already stated this but he refuses to do it so there is no point in answering his questions any longer because he will only get himself hurt.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:32 pm
by sputnick
Agreed, however, even if we do not, there's always the keeners who will answer every and any question, *shakes head with sad realization*
Sorry I didn't see your post earlier, still applies though, just I was not the first
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 7:58 pm
by rp181
He did not ask if it would hurt him, but whats stronger than propane. Spudfiles is not responsible for anyone, and he already said he would be using SCH 40 or 80, which is overkill unless you make a huge cannon.
The most common gases more powerfull than propane is MAPP, Acetylene, and Hydrogen. Helium can not combust, and oxygen is the oxidizer, it dosnt burn, but rather make things able to burn.
Propane is easiest to get, and Mapp and Acetylene are sold for welding (MAPP is a combination of gasses, not a pure gas). Hydrogen isnt sold in stores (as far as i know) but can be found online. The best way of getting it yourself is electrolyzing water, which will give a pure Hydrogen and Oxygen mix, at the perfect mix, so its alot more dangerouse. Hydrogen also corrodes some meta, caussing it to be more brittle than normal.
Start with propane, and work your way up.
Just reread your post, and yes, you can meter anything, but the better you get the metering, the more dangerouse (and powerfull) it will get.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:30 pm
by Rob748
OK Thank you rp, now let me restate something. I am building a propane metered cannon. But you guys some how rephrased it saying that Im not. I said I was not building this acetyle powered gun. if you are going to critize me for god sake dont make up stuff that I supposively said and use it against me. If you are going to critisize me do it right, read the post where it says im not building this gun. Also you might take in the fact that this post in the first place is titled "Future Reference" so lets take a minute and observe the tital. Ok so we can consider that Im obviosly not doing this right now, hince the title. and this whole post is for REFERENCE........... And if you guys are going to say "look around the interent to find your answer" well I did and it just says dont use anything over propane. But I cant find anything about making a Acetlyene/hydrogen with a schedule 80 steel chamber... SO..... Its pretty apparent that its not on the internet. So maybe thats why Im asking you guys.... But wait you have to critiseze me on trying to learn. And you dont read my posts where it says im not building this gun right now and you dont apparently take the time to understand that this is for future reference.
Im sorry but its irritating when I start seeing in your guys responce that Im going to build a gun that I know is over my head. Maybe just possibly this whole post is just to learn something...............take a minute and think that one out.
Posted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:37 pm
by SpudsMcGee
* One minute later...
Still annoying... Oh well, I tried.