Three-Way Valve Fuel Meter?

Boom! The classic potato gun harnesses the combustion of flammable vapor. Show us your combustion spud gun and discuss fuels, ratios, safety, ignition systems, tools, and more.
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Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:09 pm

So, I had an idea, but couldn't find any posts that mentioned it. Forgive me if this is not a new idea... I am throwing this out in hopes of receiving some commentary.

I like how combustion guns are made with meter pipes, but find the two ball valves to be cumbersome. Could the two be combined, practically and economically?

Enter: ... all_valves

If you use an 3-way "L" ball valve and attach in the following configuration:
<a href="" title="Overview by k mur, on Flickr"><img src=" ... 43ca50.jpg" width="500" height="345" alt="Overview"></a>

You could accomplish the same with one valve, with the following (left to right) sequence.
<a href="" title="SOE by k mur, on Flickr"><img src=" ... a93291.jpg" width="500" height="345" alt="SOE"></a>

Thoughts? Has this been done before?

On a related note:
I don't like having to open a cap or large valve to vent for fresh air after a shot. Has anyone ever added a compressed air cylinder to a combustion gun, that would vent into the combustion chamber and force the spent fuel out of the barrel?
If this works, I think it could be incorporated into a 4-way valve, similar to the method outlined above.

Edit: Image update
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Pete Zaria
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Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:13 pm

A very similar system has been used (with a 3-way valve, sometimes a 3-way solenoid valve) on several cannons to great success. Some people have even created a "one-touch meter". So yes, your idea works perfectly. Unfortunately, it's not new - but it's still a great idea.

Nice rendering, by the way.

Now what would be REALLY cool is if you figured out a way to "one-touch" fuel a hybrid using 3-way or 4-way valves.

Pete Zaria.
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Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:28 pm

yeap, it has been suggested before
the air pilot is just one of the possible actuators.... if you want to you can use solenoid, push button etc valves
the air pilot is just one of the possible actuators.... if you want to you can use solenoid, push button etc valves
3wayvalvescanbeusedformetering_duuh!;-).JPG (33.74 KiB) Viewed 2446 times
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Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:56 pm

The blue flame launcher on sponsor site uses a 3-way lever valve for the one-touch metering system. I found the same valve on but the link will not work. I also found a diagram on McMaster-carr for three and four-way valve setups:[/url]
My nextr combustion will definatley have a three-way/one-touch metering setup. Much easier to use, and way less bulky. Good idea.
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Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:19 pm

Has anyone ever added a compressed air cylinder to a combustion gun, that would vent into the combustion chamber and force the spent fuel out of the barrel?

I have done this, it works but i added the fan anyway for mixing and venting
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Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:20 pm

A difficulty with many 3 way valves is the size of the port in the middle. With a large port, many 3 way valves open all ports at 45 degrees instead of sealing all ports. This would permit an unmeasured burst of fuel while turning the valve. Be sure to use a valve that closes one port before opening the second.
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