My spark is unreliable.
Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 9:20 pm
I have a standard gas grill igniter. First shot or two are always good, then the spark gets very weak. I'm using starter fluid as fuel. What should I do
NO. do NOT use aqua net. That stuff is horrid. Use starting fluid, or cheap spray cologne. NEVER use hairspray. I will cripple your cannon forever.mattyzip77 wrote:Try using different electrodes, for example a few decent size screws rather than just the wire!! Good luck. Also, maybe try using different fuel. Aqua net hair spray seems to be the most popular!!!
You can go a step further and use a syringeto eliminate the guessworkbmaher6 wrote:Best thing to use is a bbq ignitor but when it comes to fuel, i swear by lighter gas, the sort of stuff thats used for refilling pressurized lighters, when held upside down and sprayed a nice dense propane/butane mix comes out, only use less than a second's worth though, and dont seal it up straight away!
bmaher6 wrote:Best thing to use is a bbq ignitor but when it comes to fuel, i swear by lighter gas, the sort of stuff thats used for refilling pressurized lighters, when held upside down and sprayed a nice dense propane/butane mix comes out, only use less than a second's worth though, and dont seal it up straight away! Good thing about lighter spray is that its all designed to burn as opposed to aquanet and it burns clean with no residue at all! Happy spudding team! From ben, british spud cannoner!
Been using the same BBQ piezo for about 10 years. Started with a flint lantern igniter and only used it a couple times because they are impractical for anything but a tiny gun.jsefcik wrote:[
i disagree. bbq i think suck, i have a twist flint sparker from walmart(3.75)works everytime, and i use carb cleaner, and a chamber fan!!
chamber fans do wonders!!! i suggest adding one in
you can always have both =)all the bbq ignitors i had lasted only a little whilejimmy101 wrote:Been using the same BBQ piezo for about 10 years. Started with a flint lantern igniter and only used it a couple times because they are impractical for anything but a tiny gun.jsefcik wrote:[
i disagree. bbq i think suck, i have a twist flint sparker from walmart(3.75)works everytime, and i use carb cleaner, and a chamber fan!!
chamber fans do wonders!!! i suggest adding one in
Done correctly a piezo will last forever and is a lot easier to build into a pistol grip than is a flint based system.
then a stungun? i think not!!8tonsemi wrote:You should try an electric grill sparker they are more reliable.
Advanced spuds doesn't know his donkey from a hole in the ground. Flint are just about the most impractical of all ignition systems. Yes they throw lots of hot sparks but it takes 100% of one hand to operate, which leaves only one hand to control the gun and the recoil. That's fine for a small gun but impractical and unsafe, in a typical sized gun.jsefcik wrote:then a stungun? i think not!!8tonsemi wrote:You should try an electric grill sparker they are more reliable.
read up this
look at this website, this guy is putting out 4 spark gaps which is alot better then a piece of $hit bbq ignitor