mini combustion pistol
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:11 pm
This was a cannon i decided to throw together out of random spare parts. I didn't have any fittings, and didn't want to go buy any, so i made a couple endcaps oiut of 1/8 in aluminum plate and straped them on the ends. I fuel (with anything combustable, i've had success with propane, butane, hairspray, and ether) through a 3/8 in hole drilled in the top of the chamber. The chamber is around 8 in of 4 in pvc, with a 2 ft piece of 3/4 in pvc as the barrel. Getting mixes right is pretty much impossible right now, so i plan on adding a small chamber fan. The only thing i've shot has been small pieces of potato (so i don't have any damage pics/ or videos, i might be able to after i get a chamber fan, but small computer fans cost around $20 where i am...), the potato chunks at least go around 200 ft, and have a decent amount of power when i shoot something close range. This thing is unsafe, and i'm suprised that it hasn't blown up in my face yet...