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new electronic ignition

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:14 am
by robbo@robbo
hi all, this is not my own idea but i saw it on metacafe for something else but i think it should work in this field, im trying it soon and ill let you know,
first you get a normal household bulb and smash the glass to get to the wire inside,
the you cut the wire into several pieces and lay them across some tape on the sticky side,
then attach two wires to the ends of these wires and lay more tape over the top to seal the bulb wire attached to the normal wires but leaving the ends of these open,
then use a 9 volt battery on the wires and the bulb wire will burn out, and if done inside the chamber of a primed chamber should ignite the gas and haypresto !!!!!!

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:27 am
by jrrdw
The only reason the philiments don't burn out in a light bulb is because of the gases used to keep that from happening. Out side of that gas, even a 9 volt will turn it to a crisp fairly fast. It will be interesting to see how long it will last. Even better under blast conditions, (inside combustion chamber).
Reminds me of "How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop" I never did try to take that count, i chew them up! lol. :toothy5:

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2007 11:12 am
by Hotwired

Bulbs are used for electronic ignition for things like model rocket motors.

A small bulb is smashed to leave the filament exposed and unbroken and its then rigged to ignite something flammable.

Thin wires coated in something like a nitroglycerine paste are another way. A decent voltage is shoved through it, it glows red hot and the nitro paste goes whoosh.

Bit expensive and fiddly for something like igniting a gas mix though.