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my ghetto igniter

Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 11:20 pm
by coolboarder58
im building an ignitor for my tater cannon and im having some issues. i followed the schematic and everything so i think my problem is with the transformer. i have some pictures of my setup. when ever i try to use the ignitor the batery gets pretty warm which i guess is a sign that something is wired wrong.

the link for the schematics:


i assume that the matching wires are input and the matching white ones are out put which is what i have set up, but i dont know much about electronics.


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Posted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 10:33 am
by jimmy101
There is something seriously wrong with the schematic. As drawn, it won't do anything except discharge the battery. The neon lamp will never light, the caps will only get charged to about 1.4V. The 9V battery would be totally dead by the time C1 actually got to 1.4V.

A neon bulb requires at least ~70V to light up. The circuit can't supply 70V as drawn. Even if the caps + diodes were meant to be a voltage doubler you aren't stepping the 9V battery up enough to ignite the neon bulb.

Looking at the circuit it isn't really clear what this guy was trying to do. But it won't generate 75KV.

It may be that the diodes are drawn wrong and it is really meant to be a rectifier bridge. The caps and resistors are supposed to be a voltage doubler and the energy storage system. And, most importantly, the circuit is designed to be operated from 120 VAC and not a 9 V battery. But even with a 120V input the circuit as drawn won't do anything but trip the circuit breaker in you house.

The neon bulb is in series with the transformer and SW1. Even if the rest of the circuit actually did anything the neon won't ever light up except for a short flash when SW1 is closed. To use the neon as a charge indicator it would have to be wired across C2, not in series with it.

If you corrected the problems with the circuit it would be amazingly dangerous to use. Not because of the high voltage, but because of the unprotected and un-isolated use of 120VAC. 75KV at very low current will hurt, 120 VAC main can kill you.

Sorry, but you will have to find another circuit to do what you want.

A good rule of thumb; "If it looks like the {whatever} was designed by an 12 year old idiot it probably doesn't work".

There are lots of reasons for building high voltage power supplies. People that know what they are doing do it all the time. The mere presence of stupid statements like "Just for a joke tell'em you want to buy a TANDY 2000..." pretty much tells you the writer is an idiot. The chances are pretty much zero that an idiot could design a 75KV power supply with $10 worth of parts from RadioShack. A competent EE can do it, so go find something written by someone that knows their ass from a hole in the ground.

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 12:16 am
by From_Hamsterdam
That is way too complex to be considered 'getto'.

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:59 pm
by singularity
do you have any idea what your doing? the reason the battery is getting warm is because what your doing is placing a piece of wire over terminal. all a is transformer is two coils of wire wrapped around each other. but when you pulse the input voltage in the transformer and the ratio of windings is correct you will start to gain voltage.

the schematic you have wont do crap if i get time ill try to draw you up one, ther was something that was posted a little while ago about a engine coil ignition setup which could work with a little modification on your transformer

lol you spelled ghetto wrong From_Hamsterdam

Posted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:35 pm
by SpudMonster
Let's see... A shitty text file off an anarchy website, lousy schematics, ETC.

My take on the whole anarchy website:
