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Barrel over a Barrel

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:39 pm
by taterjim
This is one of my favorite combustion cannons. It has a 4" chamber about 14" long a 3' barrel by 1 and one half inches.The ABS barrel( 2") fits over the smaller barrel and the handle is detachable. When I use it with the 2" barrel the entire gun ( with the smaller barrel) becomes the combustion chamber. I also use the larger barrel with one of my pneumatics. It will launch a spud about 7 to 900 ft. The combustion modes seems to launch about 4-6hundred ft.They are both a lot of fun.

Posted: Wed Sep 14, 2005 9:11 pm
by saladtossser
great, but dont mix abs with pvc

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:56 pm
by taterjim
The 2" fits over the other barrel.. long before I put fittings on it so it could be screwed on I would just hold it in place ,and yes it was hard to hold in place but it stayed put. So I could continue to hold it together or put fittings on it and even if it came off ( which will never happen)the other barrel is still there. so what's the problem. This barrel is not part of the original cannon ,it is just an accessory. On the other hand ,if I mixed AbS and PVC between the Chamber and the original ,always on barrel it could be a problem.

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 1:55 am
by CS
Im not a expert on why or why not you should mix ABS with PVC. But I have personally built several gun mixing both ABS and PVC and never had a problem. The joint in between the two different types of pipe is proably weaker then a joint were the type of pipe is the same. I would never mix ABS and PVC in anything but a combustion but in a basic combustion there isnt high enough pressure to show the integrity of the joint. Now if you mix the two and get injured or die dont blame me but the chances of this happening are few like winning a lottery (Caution: If you have won a lottery DONT mix ABS and PVC!)

Im not refering to taterjims cannon because there is no joints that were both ABS and PVC and were connected but this is for other readers.

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 10:46 am
by saladtossser
i found problems with the abs/pvc glue, its not that stronge. if u must, use threads to join abs with pvc.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:47 pm
by taterjim
Since I posted this article back in September , I have redesigned the cannon pictured. I lenghtened the 1 1/2" barrel to almost 5' , shortened the removable handle to about half it's length,added stun gun ignition,and painted it black. These are tidbits I learned on this forum. It' really a better cannon now.
The old black ABS barrel is used with a just built 16" chamber that was designed for it to screw on about 4" up from the combustion chamber.
I also have a tennis ball barrel for the new cannon. I'm afraid to hold this one and shoot it since I blew up a 2.5 " barrel Thanksgiving Day ,so I have mounted it on a metal cart ,with a gizmo I built to hold the cannon and allow for adjusting elevation (locked in place) and now I'm going to build some type of remote firing mechanism.