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My new ghetto gun!
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 4:41 am
by athoul
Here is my new ghetto gun which i made yesterday, the materials are a sprite bottle, a fanta bottle and some pvc tube which fits very tightly into the bottle top.
Here are some pics:
Havn't got round to firing it because i haven't got any piezo units left, so i will have to wait until i go into town next
So anyway, whats everyone rekon?
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 5:56 am
by f.c
nice but make sure it doesn't blow up on you. seriously a few more layers of tape will help.
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 6:41 am
by Insomniac
Add a lot of tape, going from one end of the chamber to the other. Other than that it should work fine. Nice and ghetto, but wear gloves and safety goggles
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 7:04 am
by spud yeti
Or otherwise, overlap the one bottle over the other, drill holes and put a couple of bolts into it with nuts on the inside, then it is still serviceable.
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:09 pm
by athoul
The bottles are overlapped by about 1" and it feels very secure.
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 2:20 pm
by Fnord
You might want to staple through the overlap for extra strength. Dab some superglue around the staples to secure them, then wrap with tape. Of course, do this after you install the ignitor so you can have it open when installing.
Other than that, it looks good for a gun held together with electrical tape.
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 6:46 pm
by Binder17
This is a true potato gun because it is made from material just lying around. I would re-enforce it with more tape though.
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 6:55 pm
by paaiyan
Reinforcing it with tape isn't going to do much of anything except keep down the shrapnel if it does rupture. But as long as you're using some sort of aerosol, I don't see too much chance of that happening.