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Compact potato gun (self contained)

Posted: Tue Aug 07, 2007 10:36 pm
by toadnoodle
I made this gun a couple years ago when I was in high school to be able to shoot teachers at the front of the bus with paper balls, but I have since grown up :wink: .
I started off taking apart one of those big air powered streamer things that you get at firework stands around the 4th. This would be my combustion tank. I then took apart a grill lighter and saved the piezo electric igniter, and the nipple that connected the lighter in the handle, to the tip of the lighter. I also needed a 3/4" pvc end cap and threads, and finally a Bic pen for the barrel and ramrod.
I took my Dremel tool and cut a hole in the end for me to epoxy my cap and threads. I also used it to drill into the side for the ignition points, and butane nipple.
I then epoxied the igniter and wires for the ignition point onto the side of the tank, along with the nipple.
As for the barrel I took and cut off the narrow end and filed the edges to a point, and put electrical tape on the end to wedge it in the tank.
After that was completed I had my gun to shoot paper and potatoes.
I later made a dart out of sharpening a nail to a point and wrapping tape around the end to make a seal. Works great!

you can see here the assembled gun, ramrod, and dart

This is the gun all taken apart

This is the gun with everything in it, including a cigarette lighter

Here is the inside of the tank, you can see the ignition points on the left and the butane nipple on the right


Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:55 am
by f.c
nice and simple. just how i like them. p.s i wouldn't suggest talking about shooting people its got me in trouble before.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 2:58 am
by f.c
nice and simple. just how i like them. p.s i wouldn't suggest talking about shooting people its got me in trouble before.

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 3:24 am
by frankrede
haha I have taken my mini to school one two many times.
Shot q tips at the bus drivers big'ol mirror and in class shot some q tips at the dry erase board while my deaf dumb and blind teacher was writing on it.

edit:Yay todays my birthday!

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 4:05 am
by ProfessorAmadeus
happy birfday!

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 8:52 pm
by beebs111
wow, your teacher must be retarted, my various little pill bottle minis sound like a party popper going off, especially if the ammo is a tight fit. i did bring my pneumatic to school in 7th grade to shoot soda cans across the practice fields during our shop/physcics class.

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 6:03 am
by dauphinoise potato
That's nice, Ive never got my minis to work :evil:

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 6:26 am
by spud yeti
f.c. wrote:nice and simple. just how i like them. p.s i wouldn't suggest talking about shooting people its got me in trouble before.
Thats because you were talking about shooting spuds at someone with a bigger gun, which could cause serious injury

I sometime take my miniature catapult to school and shoot peanuts around :D

Nice cannon btw :wink:

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2007 7:19 am
by Redcoat
My mini just blew up in my hand. :cry: .Anyway, thats a nice mini i like it. It has style and it looks awesome. BTW, have you ever been zapped by the wires on the outside? (i have. :oops: ).

I like your ammo its devilishly far can you get the dart? and how much power?

Happy Spuddin'