rna_duelers wrote:Shoot at gelatin,please.I will show you how to make a endless area in which you can store junk.
Endless area to store junk?
I will shoot at some gel soon, but for now i have to put up with the spastic internal memory in my cam. I got the 4gig card but for some reason my cam won't or can't format it, works fine in my fathers cam though, go figure.
Plus lately i have had the 5-0 sniffing around at work so my Hybrids are in Hybernation for the time being
edit: Endless area to store junk= My Brain
Last edited by Novacastrian on Wed Dec 05, 2007 11:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
America, the greatest gangster of all time. With 200 million odd foot soldiers at it's whim and call.
When you fill your car with refined oil remember that it has been paid for with blood and guts, some from your own countrymen, most not.
Often high capacity cards won't agree with some cameras. Many things will accept no larger than 512 MB or 1G - have you checked your camera's manual to find it's limit?
Ragnarok wrote:Crikey, the rozzers... "Yer nicked, mate."
Often high capacity cards won't agree with some cameras. Many things will accept no larger than 512 MB or 1G - have you checked your camera's manual to find it's limit?
No i have not, thankyou for making me aware of this fact Rag.
My cam is a Kodak c513 easyshare.
America, the greatest gangster of all time. With 200 million odd foot soldiers at it's whim and call.
When you fill your car with refined oil remember that it has been paid for with blood and guts, some from your own countrymen, most not.
I expect your camera to use 1BG max and no more.
You should have checked that before buying!
But hey you learn things by making mistakes so no problem.
Can happen to everyone, I almost bought 8GB for my w810i wich supports no more then 4gb.
I mailed the helpdesk and they told me 4gb was max for my phone so i bought 4.
Enter the "Box of Truth".
This box was constructed with 3mm thick Acrylic panels, 120mm square.
There are sixteen layers spaced 10mm apart. I fired from about 12 feet away at a 7x mix using a 12mm bb. My guess was that the round would go through 11 layers, i was one off, it did 10. Thats still a total of 30mm
Sorry about the crap vid quality, someone needs to learn how to zoom in!
I have got a before pic but it refuses to upload.
After being shot
Link to vid
Last edited by Novacastrian on Sat Dec 08, 2007 7:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
America, the greatest gangster of all time. With 200 million odd foot soldiers at it's whim and call.
When you fill your car with refined oil remember that it has been paid for with blood and guts, some from your own countrymen, most not.
rna_duelers wrote:I like these videos,always something going boom.
Did you find the BB after wards?Wondering what it looked like after that.
Hey Duelers, i did find the bb, sitting in the box after the shot. It didn't have a scratch on it. They are tough as those steel ball bearings.
If i had used a lead sinker it would have been just about obliterated i think.
Ragnarok, i would love to see what HEAL could do to a similar box. Bigger projectile should help a lot.
America, the greatest gangster of all time. With 200 million odd foot soldiers at it's whim and call.
When you fill your car with refined oil remember that it has been paid for with blood and guts, some from your own countrymen, most not.
ALIHISGREAT wrote:thats some impressive damage you have there what kind of velocity are you getting from your cannon? i'm guessing 600fps?
At a 7x mix Evbec predicts 827fps and 152flbs, with a 3.5grm projectile.
EDIT: It seems as though i have been mis-quoting the mixes i have been firing at, add 1x too all mixes!
The above Evbec prediction (IS FUCKED UP, In terms of flbs)however put it this way, the box of truth was a 7x mix not a 6x. (90 psi, i am correct am i not?)
Last edited by Novacastrian on Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:34 am, edited 1 time in total.
America, the greatest gangster of all time. With 200 million odd foot soldiers at it's whim and call.
When you fill your car with refined oil remember that it has been paid for with blood and guts, some from your own countrymen, most not.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec placerat erat. Vivamus dapibus egestas nunc, at eleifend neque. Suspendisse potenti. Sed dictum lacus eu nisl pretium vehicula. Ut faucibus hendrerit nisi. Integer ultricies orci eu ultrices malesuada. Fusce id mauris risus. Suspendisse finibus ligula et nisl rutrum efficitur. Vestibulum posuere erat pellentesque ornare venenatis. Integer commodo fermentum tortor in pharetra. Proin scelerisque consectetur posuere. Vestibulum molestie augue ac nibh feugiat scelerisque. Sed aliquet a nunc in mattis.
Last edited by SpudBlaster15 on Wed Jul 14, 2021 6:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.