Closest Thing to an Australian BB gun

Building or modifying BB, Airsoft, and Pellet type of guns. Show off your custom designs, find tips and other discussion. Target practice only!
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First Sergeant 4
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Mon Mar 07, 2011 1:58 am

I did warn you all...
inonickname wrote:
r00kie wrote:I'm not sure either, I know customs won't stop them as one of my friends brought some back with him from Bali last time he visited.

He paid $5 for a handcrafted bow with arrows so he figured he'd try his luck with customs, it's hanging on his wall at home now.

He also bought a blow gun for a similar amount, but customs wouldn't let him take that back. More silly laws..
Customs, I'm not so sure of. I have friends who've returned with bb guns and the like from bali in particular, but I can testify that if you try bring something in by post you probably WILL get caught. I ordered plastic airsoft bb's, and asked the seller to mark them as slingshot ammo. They either recognized them to be airsoft ammo or he didn't mark them. Considering those are in essence plastic beads, you will get caught for a barrel. You wont get prosecuted, but you'll get sent a stern letter telling you that your items have been forfeited to the crown and further violations will result in prosecution. I know this from experience.
PimpAssasinG wrote:no im strong but you are a fat gay mother sucker that gets raped by black man for fun
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Wed Mar 16, 2011 9:00 am

I was just talking to guy on an aussie millitary forum the other day and he says he gets Airsoft bbs in all the time by getting the BB's sent in a plain plastic bag and marked as "CRAFT BEADS".
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