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unregged BBMG- not so complete after all
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:09 pm
by JDP12
Here are some specs-
.177 cal, brass barrel.
3/4" BB reservoir.
1/2" sleeve to attach grips to.
1.25" foregrip.
red dot sight.
Pressure washer handle
EDIT: Forgot to add- will be using a 9oz or 20oz CO2 tank- depending on which one I have filled at the time
Obviously its not done yet. I still have to epoxy putty the pressure washer handle to the gun, putty a rail onto for the red dot sight, cut down the barrel, and bend some brakeline to go from the pressure washer handle to the tee.
This gun operates, or will operate exactly similar to BTB's with a sawed off elbow for the vortex. It uses a brass barrel sleeved inside brakeline.
Some upgrades I plan on are- a good coat of paint and some smoothing up of the lines, a laser sight, a flashlight, and the one I'm looking most forward to, an undermount coaxial launcher, using unregulated CO2 and fired ball bearings.
Hopefully I will have the basic gun done by next week, and will have some test videos up here
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:43 pm
by jackssmirkingrevenge
Looking good, much better than using a puny 12 gram
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 9:52 pm
by ckman
I like so far i think i am going to make one.
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:06 pm
by jor2daje
Looking good so far.
Cant wait to see some vids of this once its done, should be beast
Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:16 pm
"Finally" (?)
It's not finished yet!
Looks like it will be awesome (if it doesn't explode).
Not very familiar with that pipe and pressure washer with co2.
I recommend a barrel shroud.
Even just a thinwall EMT electical conduit with holes drilled or similar.
It could protect the barrel from being banged/bent on stuff.
Cool idea to use a larger co-axial mounted below at some point.
Had similar thoughts of using a burst-disc design (for smaller external diameter) and simply adding a seperate hose or fitting to one of
THESE to trigger it using same co2 tank.
BTW, noticed a pressure washer handle where the pressure input is in front of the trigger. Looked nice for mounting the CO2 tank on a 90.
It also has a shroud around the wand attachment built in...still daydreaming how to mod it (retaining the existing pipe on front) (Looks like it's not on any home depot page yet, so no link). 8)
Oh, for my "y" design chamber, I'm thinking the
"ball detent" will be key since it will be more effected by valve opening speed than some other BBMG designs.
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:11 am
will it use a detent or an o-ring to build up the pressure a bit ??
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:39 am
by JDP12
@Thunderlord- there are 2 barrel shrouds. The brass barrel is sleeved inside the piece of brakeline you see, which is shrouded inside the 1/2" pipe. The 1/2" pipe is just there as a mounting piece to mount the grips mostly. But the barrel is totally safe.
@ Polanspud- no plans of a detent at the moment, perhaps once i get it firing I will
In regards to pictures- I will try and get these attached to messages
Here's an update- Last night I got the grip epoxy puttied onto the 1/2" shroud- It's ugly but it holds great- tonight I plan on getting the rail epoxied on, and getting some form of a stock on there- any recommendations for a stock? Also will probably start work on the undermount coaxial launcher
oh BTW dunno if i mentioned this before- but this will be using a remote line run to the CO2 tank, the tank will not be mounted directly on the gun
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:07 pm
by Brian the brain
Once finished it will have a slightly different look to mine, wich is not a bad thing.
Love the fact you tried your own version of this thing!
Now it needs to be built up with some bondo..
It reminds me of an M16..especially if you were to add an underslung grenade launcher type thingy...
You could incorperate the bottle in the shoulderstock perhaps...
Can't wait!
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 1:24 pm
by JDP12
Yea I've already used 6 ounces of epoxy putty on this thing... And there will be plenty more. I bought 4 4oz sticks... I planned on using a lot LOL.
It'll definitely be getting some heavy duty bondo work-
I can't wait to finish it off tonight- after tonight I'll just need to add the brakeline and fill up my CO2 tanks- I have 7000 steel .177 BB's just waiting to be fired. Firing videos should be up by this weekend- assuming of course it works lol.
Yea the undermount launcher will be ~~6" long- a 1.25" steel chamber with a 3/4" copper or steel barrel inside it- coaxial with a pistol grip on it- similar to the HK AG36-
I really like the pistol grip on there so I think I'm gonna add one to the coax undermount.
Some plans are to include another sight for the coaxial launcher possibly- maybe another cheap red dot offset a bit, as well as a laser sight, and possibly a flashlight. I really want to make this thing as tactical as possible.
Does anyone have any good recommendations as far as a stock shape? Thats one area I'm kinda strugglin to find one that would flow with the gun
EDIT: Brian- I thought about trying to integrate the bottle into the back- but I decide it wasn't worth it because I really prefer a muzzle heavy gun, and once I get a suppressor built (probably next week) it'll be more muzzle heavy. The bottle will run off a remote line which will come out of the bottom of the grip- keeping it nice and out of the way
EDIT 2: Original post has been updated
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 3:23 pm
by Brian the brain
Does anyone have any good recommendations as far as a stock shape? Thats one area I'm kinda strugglin to find one that would flow with the gun
staying with the tactical feel, I'd keep the pipe from the handle to the back and just add a buttplate.
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:56 pm
by twizi
i am so posting myn this weekend very nice i think it would look good with a tatical look
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:13 pm
...The brass barrel is sleeved inside the piece of brakeline you see, which is shrouded inside the 1/2" pipe. ...
I saw it on laptop, and the two pics looked the same at the time. 8)
The brass pipe alone / sleeved in the brakeline would've been safe IMO.
And with the 1/2" layer, looks rigid (as far if it bumped against something).
For the stock, I like BTB recommendation, main thing having the buttplate drop down enough so it's comfortable/ergonomical when aiming.
The M-16 for example, has a buffer spring for the bolt inside a tube in the stock, and quite often , you'll see the stock raised higher than firer's shoulder just so shooter can aim it properly.
(something crosman's airsoft model overlooked buffer spring tube on their short model).
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:27 pm
by JDP12
Ok I worked on it a ton more tonight and will post pics tomorrow morning. I changed the waythe pressure washer is attached and attached a sight as well- it looks pretty sick IMHO. I'll have pics up around 9am us central tomorrow
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:06 pm
by twizi
cant wait for it, i bet i looks sick.
Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:21 pm
by JDP12
Yea- it almost looks like a futuristic type of gun IMO, I dunno it'll definitely need some bondo work, but I actually love it right now.
Y'all can weigh in when i post pics up tomorrow