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Vortex bbmg thought.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 3:51 pm
by warhead052
So I have been thinking about a votex bbmg for air soft wars/skirmishes. I figured I would use 2 inch by 1' clear pvc for the ammo chamber and the vortex block, 1/4" pvc for the barrel, and so on. I was wondering what I should use for the actual air storage, because I need as many shots as possible with the smallest storage tank possible. Whats the cheapest solution to that?

Re: Vortex bbmg thought.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:24 pm
by jackssmirkingrevenge
warhead052 wrote:I was wondering what I should use for the actual air storage, because I need as many shots as possible with the smallest storage tank possible. Whats the cheapest solution to that?

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:45 pm
by jhalek90
Build a small BB chamber, and have a bike pump set up like a shotgun forgrip, lead the bike pump hose into a small PVC air chamber, place a valve between this chamber and the vortex chamber, pump and shoot.

Re: Vortex bbmg thought.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:19 pm
by mark.f
warhead052 wrote:1/4" pvc for the barrel,

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 6:35 pm
by Zeus
HPA will get you close to the most storage of gas for it's size (6000psi N<sub>2</sub> tanks don't count).

As we're posting trollface, you could build one of these.

So if one can do <sub>this</sub> can you do <super>this?</super>

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 7:57 pm
by warhead052
Jack, that wont work because 1. I dont have a volcano near me... 2. I dont have "unlimited monies".

jhalek90, nice idea, but it doesnt seem practical...

Zeus, whats N2? I would LOVE 6,000 psi tanks!

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:00 pm
by saefroch
In all seriousness, with your criteria a lung-powered cloud is the best option. He means N<sub>2</sub>, Nitrogen. The tanks he's talking about are something like 5' tall and 1' wide.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:28 pm
by warhead052
Ah ok... I need a bit more power than lungs, compressed air would be the cheapest solution since the air soft wars that I goto are at a friends house; and he has a giant air compressor and tank with a really long hose. I have made lung powered clouds before, but I dont REALLY like them, I mean yeah, they are fun the first few lung fulls, but once you start getting light headed it loses fun...

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:10 pm
by saefroch
What I'd personally suggest is getting a small chamber made of steel parts you can attach to your back at or close to 1,000psi, and regging that down to 100psi or less, especially if you're in somebody's house.

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2011 11:57 pm
by noname
Don't make a vortex gun for airsoft wars unless you want to see shredded skin...
If you have the motivation, put together a solid, ergonomic semi/burst fire airsoft gun running off a low pressure gas tank, like propane.

Downside: smells like ass[/u]

Re: Vortex bbmg thought.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:21 am
by Davidvaini
noname wrote:Don't make a vortex gun for airsoft wars unless you want to see shredded skin...
warhead052 wrote: 1/4" pvc for the barrel
I don't think you are going to shred skin when you have such a massively over sized barrel like that. Ill be surprised if it shoots past 10 feet lol.

Reminds me of the sillyness of that one person with a half inch pipe for their barrel... lol

With all seriousness tough, please take a look at my bbmg tips thread, it will also give you a chance to use the outdated crappy search function on this site.

Good luck with your endeavors.

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 1:05 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
Gas supply is always going to be limited, so make the most efficient launcher you can to get the most of it, and there's plenty of advice around.

You want:

- many shots

- small size

- low cost

Realistically, it's a "pick any two" situation.

For a sub $100 solution you may want to try the Kobalt CO<sub>2</sub> rig similar to what irisher used for his Uzi BBMG but that still involves needing somewhere to refill the gas.

Another low budget option would be to bodge together a high pressure tank from steel fittings and fill it with a fridge compressor then feeding the BBMG through a regulator, but that requires imagination and technical ability to an extent which you are probably lacking.
Zeus wrote: I still can't do subscript [sub]2[/sub] doesn't work for me. That's why there's so many edits
use these brackets: < > ;)

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:10 am
by warhead052
Ok, well I wasent thinking about runnind it at super high pressures like 120, I was thinking around 15-30...

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 9:32 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
noname wrote:running off a low pressure gas tank, like propane.

Downside: smells like ass
If you want to stick to 15-30 psi - which in a well made BBMG (good valve, tight barrel, detent etc.) is enough for close range skirmishes - then a regged down propane tank is a reasonable priced option. And some people actually like the smell of ass ;)

Also, how cute of you to think of 120 psi as "super high pressure" :roll:

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2011 5:52 pm
by biged
Make a mounted gun...

M2HB .50 cal vortex, M16 length barrel installed backwards with a hopup at the end. The hop is just a hose clamp and chunk Goodyear of tire rubber. The hop puts out a cone of plastic 20-25 feet wide at 100 feet.
I have pressure tested the BB coffin with un-regulated CO2, and have taken the firing pressure up 290 psi which is the burst pressure of the hose.



Pic of the coffin.

I run it off a 20 lbs CO2 tank, which is on my mortar cart. I breach load 6+ tennis balls to bombard targets from a FO via radio.


Radio me a grid...Wrecking ball six out...
