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My quest for the perfect gun

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:25 pm
by Pedrojoca
Hey there! I know the title may suggest a LOT of power but that's not the case. Since I was a little kid I always loved to play with guns, as I grew older, I started getting into DIY and my small guns started to feel tiny for me.
I'm searching for a gun type/how to/plan that isn't too weak that you can't actually feel the bullet, isn't too strong to leave bruises, just strong enough so you KNOW it hit you. With these features, there are actually a few plans, but that brings me to the next problem.
As I want to play with my friends, the reloading can't be slow, to actually be able to make some interesting wars.

What type of gun should I go with? Do you know any plans for it?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:29 pm
by warhead052
Semi auto QEV with a slide valve. Should work for a sniper of some sort. Add a tee with a pop off and leave the slide open for full auto (I think).

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:32 pm
by jackssmirkingrevenge
This design is simple to build from off-the-shelf parts, powerful, efficient and semi/full auto with no moving parts.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:33 pm
by Pedrojoca
thanks for the quick answers, will check it out.

warhead052, could you elaborate, didn't get much of that xD

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:36 pm
by jackssmirkingrevenge
Pedrojoca wrote:didn't get much of that xD
I strongly suggest you have a browse through this section for inspiration and check out the Wiki if in doubt, then you can come back and ask more specific questions related to what you want to build with what materials you can obtain and how much you have to spend.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 2:37 pm
by warhead052
Sure, here, this, and then this. Obviously you will need some extra parts, but thats pretty much what you would need for semi auto.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 3:12 pm
by Pedrojoca
I'm thinking about air compression/pneumatic. What do you guys think that is the best way to compress the air? bike pump, etc...?

also, could anyone explain this one for me : ... 21684.html

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:24 pm
by mattyzip77
If you cannot figure that out, maybe you should do some more researching, or another hobby. Not being a meenie, just sayin....... However, I will give you this, the best way to get air for the gun in the link you listed would be a shock pump!

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:08 pm
by Moonbogg
Buy an airsoft gun?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 7:09 pm
by Lockednloaded
mattyzip77 wrote:If you cannot figure that out, maybe you should do some more researching, or another hobby. Not being a meenie, just sayin....... However, I will give you this, the best way to get air for the gun in the link you listed would be a shock pump!
"let he who is without sin throw the first stone" I've seen you posting similar replies in other newbie threads. It's really not helpful, if you're going to bash anybody for asking too many questions, at least provide some insight to help the member too.[/rant]

Now, back to the original thread. Before we can give you some help, can you give some specifics on what you want to shoot? I think paintballs would be good for this, or even NERF vortexes. I usually build a launcher around a projectile, so it'd be helpful if we knew what you were shooting

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 10:26 pm
by mattyzip77
Everyone gave me (word removed by a real moderator *) when I first started out on here, I am just giving a little back, and I did give him some insight and a little info in the process. If I wanted a opinion from a moderator, I would have asked Crowley or jrrdw, real moderators, not a wanna be! the last stone[/rant]

*(BtB says: adding an extra T doesn't make it smell any better...)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 2:16 am
by Pedrojoca
I was thinking about shooting these tiny round stones I have at home, because they're easy to get, but didn't really remember that they don't airseal... :cry:

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 3:24 am
by Crna Legija
Pedrojoca wrote:I was thinking about shooting these tiny round stones I have at home, because they're easy to get, but didn't really remember that they don't airseal... :cry:

they probably hurt, anyway i think you should do some research because there have been a LOT of threads about making a semi auto air guns lately even how to's and you would have found them if you looked around. Read the wiki and the sticky's in the Pneumatic Cannon Discussion.

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 7:29 am
by Lockednloaded
mattyzip77 wrote:Everyone gave me shitt when I first started out on here, I am just giving a little back, and I did give him some insight and a little info in the process. If I wanted a opinion from a moderator, I would have asked Crowley or jrrdw, real moderators, not a wanna be! the last stone[/rant]
That is the single worst reason I've ever heard to give a member a hard time. I generally keep mouth shut when it comes to stuff like this, but you're a repeat offender, and I don't have to be a moderator to realize you're breaking the rules. You gave virtually no insight that he couldnt achieve by clicking the link, so don't act like you were trying to help.

Pedrojoca wrote:I was thinking about shooting these tiny round stones I have at home, because they're easy to get, but didn't really remember that they don't airseal...
it doesn't take a whole lot for a rock to cause some substantial damage to a human. A thrown rock can get going fast enough to break bones if you're not careful. It seems to me like you want to leave a mark though, how about a slingshot and some paintballs? Theyre fairly accurate, and depending on your bands, get going fast enough to do some damage

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:09 am
by inonickname
Calm it down guys. No need for agro.

Don't shoot rocks at people. Use suitable projectiles i.e. paintballs, weighted foam darts, airsoft bb's etc. All are cheap and most likely readily available, and in conjunction with a well designed launcher they won't result in injury and lawsuits. Once you've decided on a projectile we can give you some more input