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Fishing sinker ammunition?

Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 6:17 am
by jmez1996
What does everybody think about using small spherical lead fishing sinkers as a substitute for bb's or pellets? Would they work? ... e/Sinkers/

or even these? ... 537742.jpg

I'm not sure about the diameter of any of them but I have seen some that look the same size as 6mm bb's.


Posted: Fri Oct 28, 2011 7:15 am
by Fexo180
being hollow may be a problem but not to the improvisor, but i do like the second link.
i have thought it over many times.... 'what to use for ammo' and inevitably 'how much will it cost'
you can buy a ball sinker mold and pour your own without the wire for the line hole so you get a solid ball but these generally need a lot of clean up.
i did find this interesting clip on youtube

however negate the wood and use aluminum or steel drilled on drill press to use as the mold held together with either g-clamps or bolted through.

another nice link.

this is nice!