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cloud vs. vortex bbmg efficiency

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:22 pm
by cfb_rolley
So, I was wondering what the difference in air usage is between a cloud bbmg and a vortex block setup and how low of a pressure they can be regulated to in order to still work? Reason being I want to build one that will have enough onboard air supply at 175psi to run through 100 bbs or so. I know a cloud would probably waste a lot of air, but being my first bbmg a vortex might cause complications in getting it right. also, hs anyone tried different sized ammo available in Australia?

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 8:38 pm
by sagthegreat
This all depends on the chamber size and barrel snugness, like for air soft bb's an experiment was performed before:

Tight bore barrel resulted and a 50fps gain over loose barrel.

Tighter barrel also results in less air leaking out of the barrel

For a vortex i would recommend a 7 inch or less chamber, 12-14 inch long barrel and 120 psi, should give about 400 fps

Posted: Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:58 pm
by pneumaticcannons
For a vortex i would recommend a 7 inch or less chamber, 12-14 inch long barrel and 120 psi, should give about 400 fps
Agreed, a 7" x 24" inch radius chamber should do just fine :D
But really, length means nothing if you dont include diameter or volume. Same goes for velocity. A gun that shoots a lightweight projectile @ 400 fps would shoot a hevier projectile quite a bit slower.

I like this video since it clearly illustrates the obvious performance increase a vortex offers. Just ignore the rather annoying soundtrack at one point in the video :D

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2012 2:40 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge