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Caselman air machine gun without mill or lathe

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2012 5:57 pm
by gunslinger124
Hey everybody, im a noob and im looking into making a caselman airgun or girandoni style automatic gun. (for those of you not familiar with a caselman, it is fully automatic air gun powered by a compressed air tank, reportedly being able to be deadly for 30 shots and can saw a 2x4 in half) Im having some good ideas, but i cannot figure out some type of valve or 'restrictor' to keep all of the air from being expelled in the first shot. Can anybody point me to a good forum/post to point me in the right direction? any help would be appreciated.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:01 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
Some critical questions, what's your budget and do you expect Caselman level performance, in a package that is portable?

That much power in a small calibre needs the couple of thousand psi the Caselman uses, which implies pressure rated parts that will need a significant investment.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:20 am
by matti
Making Caselman air machine gun without mill or lathe.. well thats difficult even with lathe and mill :D .. I dont see a good way of doing it, at least if you want it to look anything like a rifle or work like a caselman. Maybe start with lowpressure one, that way you can use DCVs (Directional control valve) and qevs and basic stuff like that.

And this is a good forum to start, I remember that here have been talk about calsemans mgun for a few times, so we are familiar with that.

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 1:34 am
by gunslinger124
well, my budget is about $700. I dont necessarily care how it works, i just want something with similar performance. You say a low pressure one first? what do you reccomend I start out with? and qevs and dcvs? they will work with higher pressures too, right? I know the original caselman had a blowback system. I wonder if theres some way to jury rig that up.

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2012 2:36 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
If you want Caselman level performance from a small calibre, a 150 psi compressor just isn't going to cut it.

You should start off by investing in a paintball tank that will give you 850 psi on tap.

As to a valve system, this is a good place to start with standard parts: ... 17810.html

A straight blowbck bolt would be childishly simple to make once you can pulse the air.

Once you would have HPA, making a simple cloud or vortex type bbmg would be even easier provided you used pressure rated fittings.

Use 3/8" steel slingshot ammo as projectiles and you've got yourself a chopper.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2012 12:29 pm
by gunslinger124
thank you very much. looks like I got some purchasing to do :D

Posted: Sat Dec 29, 2012 12:49 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
I think something similar to this would fit the bill: ... 19367.html

Basically paintball tank -> pressure washer handle -> BB chamber -> Barrel

I would recommend a decent projectile chamber made of pressure rated fittings though, instead of the epoxy monstrosity I had botched together. 850 psi is not joke: ... 19461.html

Posted: Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:24 am
by gunslinger124
Now THAT is exactly the kind of thing I was looking for :idea: ! thanks a lot! Im going to get to work on it quite soon.