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A Tribute to JSR
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 6:27 pm
by mako
Gentlemen, I wish to nominate JSR as the Little Green Jedi Master of Parts Fabrication.
My reasoning is as follows;
I am an avid airsofter, but unfortunately, my assets are not as such that I can liberally indulge in my hobby. This results in my frequent attempts to fabricate my own pneumatic guns with which to play. Until recently, I have been entirely unsuccessful in creating decent guns.
Enter JSR's postings, which in addition to other things, taught me that:
"Anything you can do, if epoxy you have"
(Please read the above quote in Yoda's voice)
The realization of this wise motto has been followed by the creation of several excellent airsoft weapons, not least of which is an awesome spray-and-pray SAW.
Thank you very much JSR!
Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 10:18 pm
by dart guy
that is funny but y a tribute and i think that the moderators are gonna lock this or somthin because it seems a little off task but epoxy is awsome 8)
Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 2:36 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
This is the sort of effort I always hope to inspire
Whining "I can't do x because I don't have y" gets you nowhere, if you want x then do what you must to get y or find a way around it.
many cases in point
How about posting your airsoft projects, I don't think we've seen them on the forum.
Link edited by jrrdw because Jack snuck a prohibited link into his post.
Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:18 am
by mako
@Dart Guy, it is kind of unusual, but in addition to the "tribute",
I wanted to point out to newbies (and others) that not having parts, or specific pieces can be remedied by epoxy.
@JSR, if the mods don't lock the topic, I'll post some pics to show what I mean.
Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:06 pm
by jrrdw
Post them!
I see no reason to lock this thread...
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:39 am
by mako
Here are some pics of molded polyester epoxy parts.(yes, JSR, I know its not the same as REAL epoxy, but it's as close as I can get on a limited budget and it works well enough for non-pressure parts)
Epoxy does wonders for small, unobtainable parts.
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:49 pm
by Brian the brain
I see no reason to lock this thread
I wish to point out that the link provided by JSR contains homemade firearms wich are seized by police.
Very entertaining I must admit.
Although it shows how inventive people can be....making firearms is illegal in most countries and I must insist no SF member should try something like that.
Not only would it be illegal (for most) could be very dangerous for your health.
Keep it legal and safe at all times please.
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 12:54 pm
by mako
I completely agree with you, Brian. Bad, bad idea. Airguns only on this thread, please, guys.
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:15 pm
by jrrdw
mako wrote:I completely agree with you, Brian. Bad, bad idea. Airguns only on this thread, please, guys.
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:31 pm
by spudamine
A Tribute to JSR
Having not looked in for a few months I read that and thought JSR might have had one HPA-epoxy incident too many
Glad to see that's not the case
Anyway Mako, you know you can easily use a filler with your epoxy to color it wothout any appreciable loss of strength, it will even make your epoxy go further. something like finely ground charcoal would probably give you a nice 'tacticool' black. I've found the cheapest source of epoxy is the big sachets used for potting electrical circuits, however these often come black anyway so I've never tried this though. I have used polyfilla for a nice white mix.
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:56 pm
by mako
Thanks for the tip, spudamine. Could be pretty handy. 8)
Any body here ever used polyester resin epoxy for pressure-containing parts?
Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 3:02 pm
by jackssmirkingrevenge
spudamine wrote:A Tribute to JSR
Having not looked in for a few months I read that and thought JSR might have had one HPA-epoxy incident too many
Glad to see that's not the case
Still a bit of life left in my yet! Not going to become a shrapnel pin cushion now that I'm on the verge of leaving for the land of plenty
Link edited by jrrdw because Jack snuck a prohibited link into his post.
booooooo! what a front bottom that Jack guy is
Nice work mako, feel the power of binary adhesives!
Any body here ever used polyester resin epoxy for pressure-containing parts?
Not to my knowledge. The resin can only be a binder for stronger materials though, otherwise