this is a coaxial grenade idea. i want to make these for airsoft. what would be a safe psi for airsoft?(fps doesnt go over 400 fps) also would it be manageable for a person without alot of macine tools? also feel free to steal my idea because i may not build it soon.
Re: coaxial grenade idea
Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2013 9:04 pm
by Gun Freak
what would be a safe psi for airsoft?
Depends how well you build your valve. 100 psi should do it.
also would it be manageable for a person without alot of macine tools
Sure, with a little bit of creativity and epoxy casting.
i may not build it soon
I'm beginning to think that about all of your ideas...
Re: coaxial grenade idea
Posted: Tue Oct 15, 2013 7:23 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
How do you access the schrader for filling?
Piston travel and pilot volume can be reduced.
would it be manageable for a person without alot of macine tools?
i have a drill and a hacksaw, but a car... that's a different story. also i have an almost endless supply of shrater valves my dad works at an autobody shop
anyone have an idea how to hold in the pellets? i just thought about it and they will fall out the front without something, it has to be cheap light and easy to make.
Re: coaxial grenade idea
Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 4:09 pm
by dart guy
other than that here is another idea that i had the orange is the pin the grey is multiple pieces of cut metal tubing and an aluminum piston, dark blue is a wall of some form, the thing that looks like a orange shrater valve in a shrater valve.
Re: coaxial grenade idea
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:47 am
by dart guy
Now adding mines to this post it is a hammer valve mine and I'm not sure if it would work because if you have 100 psi would it be impossible to open? also now i am triple posting so someone please answer also submitting your ideas are also encouraged.
Re: coaxial grenade idea
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:51 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge
The Madbull powdershot mine is similar but it uses a spool valve so the only resistance to movement is o-ring friction:
It looked a bit wimpy jsr, I've seen some others with different setups that look like they work better. Also I cant get used to the fact that you are on at almost the same time I am. the fist grenade had something i forgot to mention, the back cap is removable or it will have a hole for a co2 bike filler adapter.
Re: coaxial grenade idea
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 8:05 am
by mark.f
I know something like this is kind of your job now, JSR, but that was pretty anticlimactic.
They at least could have loaded it with testicle-homing airsoft BB's...
EDIT: and dart_guy, there are airsoft grenades in the showcase section which were made (IIRC) around 2006-2007 by people with no machine tools, or even epoxy. Have a looksee.
EDIT 2: Can't find any of the diagrams PVC Arsenal posted back then, but basically they work by having a small chamber at a high pressure, with a larger chamber connected to a burst disk. To activate, a very small hole is uncovered which leaks air into the larger chamber until the disk bursts... pretty simple, but fiddly... I've never made one.
mark.f wrote:I know something like this is kind of your job now, JSR, but that was pretty anticlimactic.
One of the projects in the pipeline is along similar lines but much more versatile and much less anemic, watch this space
Re: coaxial grenade idea
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2013 7:54 pm
by dart guy
I got 3 and 4 in pvc for free but i dont got any endcaps (are you kidding me )
Re: coaxial grenade idea
Posted: Sun Mar 16, 2014 11:56 pm
by dart guy
Bump, sorry Guys but I got a friend, who for Christmas ( that lucky duck) got a lathe and a milling machine, would anyone like to help me figure out some dimentions? I'm still a little confused on chamber to barrel ratio for airsoft stuff,( not somthing I want to test randomly) also does anyone have some good ideas for materials? ( sorry for the double post)