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Airsoft Hop-up science

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:36 pm
by wyz2285
As I'm more and more involved into airsoft, the only thing that I believe that should have exact science in it but nobody seems to really go deep enough to figure out is the hop-up system.
Before posting this, I've already took extensive google research about hop-ups, R-hop, etc. Only data I found about hop-up's effect is this and it only talked about standard hop-up effect on FPS and range.
I tried to search more on R-hops, didn't found anything interesting only about how much better they are compared to standard hop-ups. Found 2 tutorials on YouTube and it appears to me is it has a flatter and larger contact with the BB (for a more stable back spin I guess?).
I also read about the effective range of BBs, and I must say datas on big airsoft forums are much better than YouTube, where kids claim to have shot people +100m away. In game, 50m seems to be considered a decent ranged shot and 80m is the longest I have read. However I have a Norwegian client who told me that on his friend's polarstar rifle with R-hop can consistently hit torso sized targets at 80m.
I'm thinking about make my own hop-up rubber with a larger contact area with the BB just to see how much are myth and truth.
If anyone can share a detailed study on hop-ups and exactly why these R-hops are better I'd appreciate.

Re: Airsoft Hop-up science

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:39 pm
by jrrdw ... 3&sr=posts

You will be looking through Davidvaini stuff, if you can't find it there ask him directly...

Re: Airsoft Hop-up science

Posted: Thu May 01, 2014 3:56 pm
by wyz2285
I don't think he is active anymore... I'll try to look through these 88 pages...

Re: Airsoft Hop-up science

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 9:24 am
by jackssmirkingrevenge

Re: Airsoft Hop-up science

Posted: Fri May 02, 2014 10:32 am
by wyz2285
Now that's way more helpful, thanks!
Jack do you know anything about R-hops?

Re: Airsoft Hop-up science

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 5:17 pm
by wyz2285
After reading a while (some lousy how-to and few diagrams) I decided to take the trial and error road to find out more about R-hops.
What I thought that would improve the accuracy is increase the hop up bucking contact area with the BB, standard hop-ups only offers a contact "point" or "knob" and R-hops offers a flat surface with it's patches. I bought the airlab R-hop patches once, total wast of 18 pounds, just some badly cut sections of somewhat silicon/rubber tube.
So I decide to make myself some patches and I want to be able to use materials of different toughness. I cut 3 slots on a section of a airsoft 6.01 tight bore barrel that I had left from another project, pushed in a 6mm brass tube using a vise then drilled 8mm ID SS tube to 8.5mm ID and milled it in half. I'm going to cast some patches with this mold using hot glue, silicon glue... Whatever that I think may work and try them out.

Re: Airsoft Hop-up science

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 1:09 am
by bravootome
i've looking for some videos..

Do you think this"r-hop" sistem would work with a homemade that output 30-40 bar >?

Re: Airsoft Hop-up science

Posted: Mon May 05, 2014 7:26 am
by wyz2285
Hop up is for airsoft bbs to fly further with a flatter trajectory because airsoft guns have low muzzle velocity. For you homemade guns, they are not necessary.