the hiding of the generaly unwanted by parents cannon!!!

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zeigs spud
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Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:37 am

lol i think name says it all. my dad doesn't care but my mom doesn't like the idea after the guy at Lowes told her storys he seemed to pull out i was thinking of wraping it in a tarp and putting it in a shoe bux then burying it in the "woods" (not big enuf really to call woods but yea) till the end of winter.

i have had it at my friends house but ihe's beeen using it and well if
f#%ked up my ignition and i had to remake it lol.
so.....where do u think would be the best place for it to be hidden would be?
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Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:54 am

up on the wall behind your bedroom door....who looks up there?
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Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:01 am

hmm maybe you could shove it up your A55 lol just messin. but really um do you have a hidden crawlspace in your house that always works well. oh and i wouldnt bury it in your woods lol a small woodland creature might find a cozy little home in it. or maybe you should do it and see what gets in there and lauch it to hell in the spring, that would be fun.
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Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:12 am

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Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:22 am

Hide it under your bed?
Hmm, or hide it in your closet?
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Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:43 am

Are there air vents in your house? If so need I go on?
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Sun Dec 10, 2006 3:12 am

if your bed has rails underneth you can make a quick as wire rack that will hold it or you could get a rely BIG dictonary and cut out a hole in it the shape of your gun and put it in there jks. i hide my under my bed or behind my desk because no one evr looks under them oh and MrCrowley thats a very good idear
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Sun Dec 10, 2006 4:04 am

Cover it in pvc shards. How inconspicuous :wink:
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Pete Zaria
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Sun Dec 10, 2006 5:38 am

I think the best way to do it would be to build a gun in such a way that it could be disassembled into pieces small enough to fit into a backpack :) Shouldn't be too hard for a combustion, but would be difficult for a pneumatic because you'd have to tighten everything down *really* tight each time... Anyway, thats my two cents.

As to hiding your current gun... got a shed? under the back deck? if you have a firewood pile, under/behind it? Hang it from the ceiling in your closet? If all else fails.... in a garbage back hanging from a nearby tree? Hiding stuff isn't that hard, man. Just be creative. But I agree with SpudBlaster15, explaining why it's not dangerous to your mom is a much better route. Print up some info about the pressure ratings, etc... and try to explain it to her. If that fails.. hide it anyway :) And don't blame us when you get caught (will happen eventually).

Pete Zaria.
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Sun Dec 10, 2006 11:47 am

Hide it in the air vents in your house!
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Sun Dec 10, 2006 12:22 pm

SpudBlaster15 wrote:Rather than risk being caught (you will be eventually) why not attempt to convince your mom to let you keep it? There is plenty of evidence to suggest that spud guns are a perfectly legitimate, safe hobby if proper precautions are taken, and plus, you already have your dad on your side.
i agree with spudblaster. Dad already has your back on this one, and most likely she is just concerned with your well being. Explain to her that SAFETY is your first step when it comes to spud guns or other pvc launching devices. If you can demonstrate the basic safety issues of shooting pvc launchers and explain to her what you do and what you dont do she will probably have more trust in you knowing that you have something potentially dangerous and you have the responsibilty to use it safely. Trust goes a long way with parents dude if you just get caught hiding it shes gonna get pissed and break it.

"Mom, I like to play with potentially dangerous stuff but i want to show you how I (or we) can have fun with this while being safe at the same time. I dont want to break your trust by hiding it which is what im going to do if you dont let me keep my new toy, so let me show you how it works and how to shoot it safely and maybe we can do some spudding together sometime. I would really like it if you could trust me with this, its a great responsibility to operate and build pvc launchers and i would like to show you how responsible i am with such a toy.... ok, hold it like this, hit the button.... yeah isnt that cool! i made it myself too!"
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Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:24 pm

Pete Zaria wrote:I think the best way to do it would be to build a gun in such a way that it could be disassembled into pieces small enough to fit into a backpack :) Shouldn't be too hard for a combustion, but would be difficult for a pneumatic because you'd have to tighten everything down *really* tight each time... Anyway, thats my two cents.

As to hiding your current gun... got a shed? under the back deck? if you have a firewood pile, under/behind it? Hang it from the ceiling in your closet? If all else fails.... in a garbage back hanging from a nearby tree? Hiding stuff isn't that hard, man. Just be creative. But I agree with SpudBlaster15, explaining why it's not dangerous to your mom is a much better route. Print up some info about the pressure ratings, etc... and try to explain it to her. If that fails.. hide it anyway :) And don't blame us when you get caught (will happen eventually).

Pete Zaria.
thats a cool idea! I might just have to build that!
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Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:31 pm

Send it to me, Ill take care of it!! As a matter of fact Ill wilingy accepet any guns 8)
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Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:00 pm

lol who wouldnt except any gun ,well unless its a total peice of sh1t. :D
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Sun Dec 10, 2006 2:03 pm

Try to convice her. My dad trusts me more or less and he knows that I research stuff (his rule is research before thinking about it kind of). Once you have dad on your side it will be considerably easier to win her over.
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