Again, I would love to make this an official contest and would be more than happy to put up a cash prize (and maybe another pen gun ) but I can see things getting ugly in terms of validating claims.
In general I agree - in this case, the great thing about projectiles designed to achieve substantial range is that the are also ideal penetrators in terms of form and density.IMO, total distance shouldn't be the sole objective in designing a projectile. A round should be accurate enough to strike a selected target and pack enough energy to do some "work" when it encounters that target.
If you can build a decent launcher, a matching projectile should not be an issue, especially if you don't have a requirement for consistency and mass production.How difficult is it to construct very low drag projectiles and what would a good drag coefficient be for shooting long distances?
Compare the sphere to a streamlined body, you can input the data for different shapes into GGDT's ballistic calculator and marvel at the difference it makes in range.
Some streamlined bodies that would make good projectiles, if you could make it stable by altering centre of gravity.