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Blueprint Help
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:11 pm
by Spudz Man
Hi My Name Is Dan And I Just Got Into Spud Guns And Wanted To Know If Any One Could Give Me Some Good Basic Spud Gun Blueprints So I Can Build A Spud Gun THANKS.
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:24 pm
by theregoesthewindow
If you had read more into this forum you would have seen that most people don't take kindly to being asked for plans (using the logic that if someone needs plans they shouldn't be building spudguns). But becuase your new I'll point you in te right direction, just remember that next time you should use the search button.
If you want a basic combustion ... &lighter=&
If you want a basic pnuematic ... &lighter=&
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:53 pm
by The High Plainsman
unless it is a big gun with a lot of pieces, you dont really need plans, just make sure you put it together straight and leave enough room to get your valve off if you need to.
Posted: Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:23 pm
by Spudz Man
Thanks That Help Some What
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 1:16 am
by the_original_damo
why is it that people dont like being asked for plans/blueprints for pneumatic cannons/combustion cannons isnt it how you learn by asking question like does anyone have plans? and i am sure that all of us here would have been in a position like that once and if not that person must be a genius
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:06 am
by Brian the brain
I don't mind being asked I just don't feel like going through the hours of trouble drawing a detailed blueprint of a unique gun I designed, wich cost me hours to figure out in the first place.I know I build mine in a slightly unusual way so along with the blueprints I'll have to answer an X amount of questions to guide someone through the building process.Some things have been solved in a sudden stroke of genius, other parts just happened to fit by accident.Chances are you'll have great difficulty copying my guns.
If you don't know how valves or ignition work you can look it up in the Wiki.
Use pressure-rated material.
You can get inspiration from all of the guns portrayed on this site and just use your imagination.
there's no greater reward than shooting a gun you've struggled to build al by yourself.
This must be the longest post I've ever done...
Bet ya someone answers this post like...."yeah, what he said"
bye now
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:36 am
by The High Plainsman
Brian the brain wrote:I don't mind being asked I just don't feel like going through the hours of trouble drawing a detailed blueprint of a unique gun I designed, wich cost me hours to figure out in the first place.I know I build mine in a slightly unusual way so along with the blueprints I'll have to answer an X amount of questions to guide someone through the building process.Some things have been solved in a sudden stroke of genius, other parts just happened to fit by accident.Chances are you'll have great difficulty copying my guns.
If you don't know how valves or ignition work you can look it up in the Wiki.
Use pressure-rated material.
You can get inspiration from all of the guns portrayed on this site and just use your imagination.
there's no greater reward than shooting a gun you've struggled to build al by yourself.
This must be the longest post I've ever done...
Bet ya someone answers this post like...."yeah, what he said"
bye now
good call, you speak the truth.
also, you dont need to worry too much about making a failed design, because (especially with small guns) they are reletivly cheap to build, and chances are that you can recover close to half your materials to use for something else. (hence my advice to make sure you can get your valve off). when you get down to it, this stuff is all about having a good time, and at least half of that is in the design/building process, so, just have a good time with it, and make the best of it if it doesnt turn out exactly how you had hoped.
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:46 am
by Brian the brain
Yeah..what he said..
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:02 am
by Rambo
I have never been in position of looking for plans.May be because I made my first guns before I even know what is a spud gun.
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 7:23 am
by spudshot
i've only asked for diagrams of complex valves (like clide's slider or galfisk's piston valved hybrid) when i first started, i did alot of reading and looking at pictures figuring out how they worked, then i built my own
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:33 am
by saladtossser
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 6:46 pm
by CS
The reason why we dont like giving simple plans to people is it only fixs the symptom, not the problem. Ive stated this several times... If you understand how they work and look at any others cannons, you will notice the following:
Combustions Consist of:
4.Ignition Source
Pneumatics Consist of:
5.Compressed Gas Source
That being said, dimensions arent important in basic style laucnher configurations. Although, dimesions should obviously be kept in mind, but exactness is needed. You should be able to distinguish to as if a part is out of proportion to the other with common sense. Basically, you should realese that a blowgun connected to a 8" chamber is unresonable as well ass a supah connected to a 1" chamber.
The following further explains my statements above. Have you ever noticed when a person constructs a complex cannon, that the people in reply ask to as how it works, instead of plans?
So for me at least, telling me how it works, solves the problem at its source, but feeding me plans only treats the symptoms, and leaves the source of the problem untreated. Which will results in the sypmtoms to return. So a little lesson that can be applied in life as well as spudding, "treat the problem (source), not the symptoms"...
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:57 pm
by Spudz Man
Well Thanks Some Of That Did Help But Can Any One Help Me More??
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 12:34 am
by Shrimphead
Ok, for your first spud gun, you don't need much help making it. You get some say 2" pressure rated pipe for a chamber. Then a 2" coupler, a reducer bushing, a 3/4" ball valve (or sprinkler valve), then a 3/4" barrel. Then get a shrader (or quick connect) valve and tap it into the chamber. It's that simple. Just like pimpmann said, all you need is the basic parts.
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 9:24 am
by taz22
they slide valve of clide how it works you can see on his diagram. how you must make it you must use a methal lathe.