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Sprinkler Valves, why pneumatically actuate?

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:47 am
by zac_sraw
i was wondering what is the point in pneumatically actuating a sprinkler valve, cant you just actuate them electronically, is it that it is smaller when pneumatically actuated or more efficient?

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:53 am
by Ragnarok
More efficient - it speeds up the valve's operation - adding MOAR POWAR, to speak in lolcat.

Also, it saves you having to run wires all over the place, doesn't need a project box to keep it all in, and doesn't use up batteries.

On the downside, it takes a little effort and patience to actually mod it in the first place.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 5:49 am
by inonickname
No need to waste expensive batteries, takes up less space and looks neater. Pneumatic actuation (eg. A blowgun) opens much faster than electronic actuation. If you're using an electronic setup (eg. turret) then electronic actuation is simpler.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 8:05 am
by Hubb
Look at the link in my sig...

And please refrain from asking questions until you have searched for the answer first.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:14 am
by mark.f
Ragnarok wrote: On the downside, it takes a little effort and patience to actually mod it in the first place.
I disagree whole-heartedly. Just a.) Unscrew solenoid, b.) Fill hole with epoxy, c.) Remove and drill 7/16" hole in lid, d.) Tap hole to 1/4" NPT threads, e.) Clean up and re-attach lid.

Seriously, it only takes me about ten minutes at most to modify one (although it takes 24 hours for the epoxy to cure).

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:54 am
by Ragnarok
markfh11q wrote:I disagree whole-heartedly.
Not a lot of effort and patience for a veteran - but for a first timer, it will require some care and attention.

I can smash together a piston valve in minutes - but just because it's easy for me doesn't mean that it will be easy for a newbie.

But yes - after you've got your hand in to doing it, it's stupid not to.

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:59 am
by Davidvaini
if you are making a remote activated cannon I would suggest electric actuation, if you are making a turret i would suggest electric actuation, but if you are making a cannon just for firing things then I would suggest pneumatic.

Electric actuation still has decent performance mind you, its just pneumatic is better.

hubb017 wrote:Look at the link in my sig...

And please refrain from asking questions until you have searched for the answer first.

If you search it actually comes up by the date that it was posted starting with the most recent. So when you search for pneumatic sprinkler valve actuation or modding a sprinkler valve you will get pages of results before you get to the link in your sig or even another relevent sig.

Now this is just default searching, so if you do quick search or just do a search without changing how the order comes up you will have a hard time finding the answer to your question. So always make sure to change how the search comes up (i know its a hassle and default should be by order of importance but its just somethign you will have to change yourself)

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 1:24 pm
by jimmy101
a.) Unscrew solenoid not necessary
b.) Fill hole with epoxy not necessary
c.) Remove and drill 7/16" hole in lid
d.) Tap hole to 1/4" NPT threads tap cost ~$5
e.) Clean up and re-attach lid

One significant drawback to a mod'd valve is that the trigger is large and massive. Not conducive to firing accurately. An electrically actuated valve is much easier to trigger since a tiny pushbutton can be used. In addition, it is much easier to position a pushbutton ergonomically than it is a blowgun.[/i]

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:47 pm
by jackssmirkingrevenge
Technically, all sprinklers are pneumatically actuated, but in one case you pull the blowgun manually and in another the solenoid does it for you. By using a bigger solenoid to open a bigger pilot hole you can get similar or even better performance over a blowgun mod.