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Copper pipe questions

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 2:26 pm
by Brother_Bear
Anyone know if its safe or realtivly safe to use "unrated"(as in that the store-clerk is clueless) half-hard copper-pipe for a Pneumatic pistonvalve marblelauncher.

The reason for a n00b question like this is because i live in Sweden and Pressure-rated copper and PVC -pipe is for some stupid reason really, really hard to come by.

By the way if anyone knows of a place in sweden i can buy pressure rated parts.


Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:11 pm
by dinsdale
Whether or not it is safe really depends on how much pressure you plan on feeding it. if you keep it under 100 psi i can't see there being a problem.
other people on this site are much more knolegable than I, so you should get more opinions.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 9:38 pm
by noname
Non-rated metal pipe should work fine as long as you stay within the range of pressure you can get out of pumping with a bike pump.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 11:20 pm
by Brian the brain
I've had "unrated copper"up to 16 bar.
THe brass fittings can hold a lot more.
I switched to steel pipe ( used in heating, same sizes as copper) for my sawed-off, and had it up to 22 bar.

A guy called galfisk ( I think) had a gun completely made out of copper, with soldered fittings, up to 21 bar regularly.
Metal is pretty safe....