I'm not sure the site layout can even be improved much. It's a simple and fast loading design and I wouldn't change it. Very effective IMO.If there is anything I can do to make it more appealing to you guys as far as navigation, graphics, or new products, please let me know. I'm up for about anything!
I guess you could stand for a better banner, but it shouldn't be distracting. David's is a good example, though it could probably be improved.
I'd go with a rotating banner (like your ads), that shows one of several launchers every time a page is viewed.
As rp18 said, there are some pictures that are a bit low quality. I wouldn't use super high-res pics though, as it angers the dialup users. (hint: you do not want to anger the dialup users!)
I noticed a couple typos and stuff. Can't remember where they are.