It appears he has asked various members to join his forum, which looks like Spudfiles with no information. (Apart from the stuff directly copied from Spudfiles, and without prior permission to do so)
It also appears (Yes, us mods know how to use the internet too) that members think scottcrete was in the right, and are helping him to spam Spudfiles some more.
Without Spudfiles, funnily enough, Scott's site would be nothing.
The topics he copies from SF without prior permission, is called plagiarism. Simple fact.
Okay, now to the good stuff.
Why was scottcrete banned, several times:
1) He originally left the forum after a discussion with me via PM. He seemed to think I was picking on him, when infact I was telling him to stop requesting stickies and stop posting so many useless topics that could be posted at Theopia.
Yes, that's right. He left the forum all by himself, what a big boy he is.
Well that was short lived, because he came back, this leads me on to number 2.
2) He then proceeded to PM many members telling them to join his forum. Ever get those annoying Viagra spam messages in your inbox? Well this guy is on the same level as Viagra spam.
This is a rule on Spudfiles, you are not allowed to spam:
This first account was suspended for the nature of his spamming, and prior infractions and abusive behavior.A reference to your personal website in your sig is fine, but don't link your site in every post you make. If it appears that you're abusing these forums to drive additional traffic to your site, your account may be suspended.
3) He created a new account, smart guy. Well this also is a rule:
He then made another account (after that), which was also banned. All of which were used to spam you guys.Don't sign up for more than one account unless you MUST, or unless instructed to do so by a moderator. Creation of multiple accounts without a valid reason may result in a ban
So going by our rule book here at Spudfiles, can't be bias now, we banned scottcrete for breaking rules all over the place that I am sure no one would argue with (who wants SPAM?).
What has scottcrete have to say for all of this you may ask?
Well our researchers have dug deep, very deep, to the land of free forums. That's right, don't pay server fees, you don't need no fancy domain name, here you can get one for free.
Anyway, we found a post of Scott's on why he thought he was banned:
Apparently, he was banned for no reason. Oh really? And yes scott, when you get banned from a forum, generally you can no longer access the forum. The world is a funny place is it not?no reason at all... Just your banned from spudfiles.. i cannot even access the page
This guy sounds like a perfect admin for a spudgun community, he only knows about high voltage electricity, he likes to spam people's inboxs with ads, and if you shine a light in his ear, his eyes will light up. Not to mention he doesn't know half the things about running a forum or how to make it work properly. But i'm sure he'll learn.
To backup my claims, I do have proof. I'll start and end with my first piece of evidence, the part where he chose to leave on his own accord:
We also have proof of his spam messages, but i'm sure most of you have those messages also. If scott left you out and you never received a message, he is deeply sorry and says he was banned for no apparent reason before he could get his message out to you, that or he just plain doesn't like you.
If you have any questions or queries, i'm on holiday for two weeks so don't be afraid to ask.
Just hope you understand, by scott spamming Spudfiles, he is hurting the community itself. This has gone way too far and PCGUY's time could have been spent elsewhere, such as upgrading the forum.
Also, to those members who joined so they could have mod status, I don't blame ya. But you'll always be far more respected here then at a forum where half the members run the place.
If you think we (Spudfiles) just don't want any competition, you are wrong. We are fine with it as long as they (the competition) abide to any rules we have in place. Spudcom would've been a great place for a second community if you guys were that way in mind.