Low explosives?

Boom! The classic potato gun harnesses the combustion of flammable vapor. Show us your combustion spud gun and discuss fuels, ratios, safety, ignition systems, tools, and more.
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Sat May 31, 2008 9:02 am

Well, most combustion guns work on the expanding gases resulting from, well a combustion, right? So using a relatively low powered explosive in low quantities could get a related effect. Rather than the explosive giving off gases it explodes, pushing the air out of the chamber and into the barrel and propelling the projectile. But now that I think about it, it is a semi-hybrid as it uses a combustion, but it pushes air into a projectile.

The explosives in question:
Black powder
Nitric acid

Black powder is more readily available, but as it is a solid, it cannot be atomized and used in a large chamber, though it does give off huge amounts of gas, if used in low quantity.

Nitric acid is a liquid so it can be atomized and used with a greater effect, so it could be used. And as it is used in making explosives everywhere, is definitely more powerful than black powder (BP). THe problem is, nitric acid is really hard to get.
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The New RobesPierre
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Sat May 31, 2008 9:04 am

I believe this is against forum rules...
Please don't use explosives.... because they'll do just what your saying, explode. PVC and Explosions don't mix. Please don't even try this :!:
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Sat May 31, 2008 9:08 am

in low quantities? THat's what i meant. LOW explosives
http://www.spudfiles.com/forums/viewtop ... Revolution in the absolute is not initiated by swords, guns, and bullets, but by words-
The New RobesPierre
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Sat May 31, 2008 9:21 am

I understand yah, but solid explosives are against the forum rules.
Discussion of solid propellants, explosive devices or incendiary projectiles fired specifically from a spud cannon is prohibited, and may result in a permanent banning of your account.For the purpose of this forum, these definitions will be used:
Solid propellant: Any substance containing all the chemical elements required to enable sustained combustion without the presence of additional oxidizers. This includes but is not limited to gunpowder, thermite, and many commercial and/or homemade pyrotechnic compounds.
For this purpose, nitroglycerine, though liquid, would qualify.
For this purpose, ordinary flour, though solid, would not qualify.
Explosive device: Any device that has the capability to release large amounts of stored energy rapidly.
Discussion of fireworks as projectiles is prohibited.
Discussion of "soda bottle bombs" or any other similar devices that may cause shrapnel as a result of uncontrolled rupture is prohibited.
Incendiary projectile: Any projectile that is capable of producing flame.
Rocket propelled projectiles, pyrotechnic smoke bombs, or any other burning projectiles would qualify as an incendiary projectile.
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Sat May 31, 2008 9:39 am

Nitric acid is NOT an explosive in and of itself. That you think it is tells me that you don't know what you're talking about. And why do you think it would do any better job than other fuels commonly used in spudding? Not only is it not an explosive but expensive and not readily available.

Black powder is discussion is out-of-bounds.
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Sat May 31, 2008 9:39 am

Yes, I am the guy that owns & operates SpudFiles (along with our extremely helpful moderators).