6mm BB Alternatives?

Potatoes last one shot, so build reusable! Discuss ammo designs and ideas. Tough to find cannon part or questions? Ask here!
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Thu Sep 18, 2008 9:53 pm

I am making a airsoft 'shotgun,' just a bunch of BBs with a foam plug on either end for ammo. Does anyone see any negatives for using something like feed corn for ammo? I do not intend to aim directly at anyone, I hope to arc the rounds like a mortar. 50 pounds sacks are about $20 at Tractor Supply.
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john bunsenburner
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Sun Oct 26, 2008 4:39 pm

Hey some people use the beads inside couches and stuff for BBMGs... i guess they should do, and you can go to the dump to get them.
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Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:37 pm

hi im an aussie and we have these 5mm beads that are a kids toy. they are put in patterns and sprayed with water to set and make cool patterns. but they could be easily used in bb gun with a barrel to suit 5mm ammo. search them on ebay - beados their about $7 aus for 750
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