Potato Cannon Barrel Too Short?
Well, first of all, i'm new here, so hello, hola, guten tag, and any other ways you can say hi. Second, this is my first combustion potato gun and I'm a little concerned about safety... I have a 3" wide by 8" long combustion chamber, and only a 12" barrel (at the moment). Would this be unsafe or would the potatoes not go anywhere because of the length? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
you will have to increase your barrels size if you want better performance but it will still shoot just not that far.welcome to spudfiles
oh and i almost forgot,any chance on some pictures?
oh and i almost forgot,any chance on some pictures?
Last edited by tape fist on Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Well I have to say welcome. I have to say that a 3" by 8" combustion chamber is roughly average. The best ratio is .8:1
With that being said... I need to know what size barrel you have not length. I'm guessing with that chamber volume that the barrel could probally be cut down a bit.
With that being said... I need to know what size barrel you have not length. I'm guessing with that chamber volume that the barrel could probally be cut down a bit.
what size is your barrel
Then cut it down and buy either a female or male adapter of that size and cement it on the stub so that it fits flush with chamber face. This will allow multiple barrels to be attached now also.
Then cut it down and buy either a female or male adapter of that size and cement it on the stub so that it fits flush with chamber face. This will allow multiple barrels to be attached now also.
Well with a small chamber yes it should hold together fine but for future notice use primer. Dont shoot your friend !! The moderators will kill you even if it is a joke. With the .8:1 ratio a two foot barrel is all you really will need.
I would cut your current barrel to about 2" long. Buy a 1.5" female adapter and prime and glue it on. Then buy the correct length barrel and put a 1.5" male adapter on it and your good to go
I would cut your current barrel to about 2" long. Buy a 1.5" female adapter and prime and glue it on. Then buy the correct length barrel and put a 1.5" male adapter on it and your good to go
Last edited by trigun on Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
But I can just make the 12" barrel, and then cut it down and put the adapters + the right length barrel later, right? Oh ya, almost forgot, I'll post some pictures once I drill the hole for the sparker. I might spray paint it green, would that be cool or not?
Last edited by GeekFreak on Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.