Hey, so I am new to this whole thing but would love to try it. Basically, I am looking for plans to make a powerful, automatic bb gun. I know that im not really contributing by asking you all for help, but I just want to see if i can make one by using plans so i can get a feel for things before i try to make one on my one. I would really appreciate any ideas or plans and it would mean a lot!! Thank you all in advance and I look forward to your replies.
So just to give a little back ground info, I have worked a little bit with building things before, and I am pretty familiar with how to use tools and pvc pipes. That said, it would be great if the gun wasn't too complex as I am still new at this. I really just wanna build a powerful bbmg with a high fps. Also, I am looking for something that fires .177 bb's, as I do not do airsoft.
Once again, thanks to all in advance and I appreciate all of your help in getting me started!!
Powerful bbmg plans
http://www.instructables.com/id/BB-Mach ... OT-AIRSOFT!!!!!/
http://www.spudfiles.com/spud_wiki/inde ... achine_Gun
Why can you not search for yourself? Search BBMG, or BB machine gun.
http://www.spudfiles.com/spud_wiki/inde ... achine_Gun
Why can you not search for yourself? Search BBMG, or BB machine gun.