Once again, JSR trying to prove that smaller is better.
While you've already failed to get a chrony reading, have you managed to work out the rough rate of fire? It'd be interesting to see how much size (and consequently, the square-cube law on the projectiles) affected ROF on vortex BBMGs.
And now, if you'll excuse me, there is something else to say...
Mr.Sandman wrote:Haha quoted and sigged.
Uh, yeah. On that note, the sig limit is 90 pixels high - about 5 lines, including blank ones (and any quote header).
You've got 8 lines there - while I'm okay with quoting in signatures, it gets very irritating if it starts to dominate reading a thread.
Getting rid of some lines so it was like this...
dewey-1 wrote:JSR; I think you should order the SB07's.
JSR & the Pico "Blue Balls"
This could be your new trademark!
... would be more acceptable (and within the rules).
Sure, it might be funny the first time, but after the eleventy twenteenth time someone sees it taking up more space than the post above it*, it'll just get annoying.
*Hence why I normally stay on a pretty strict limit of two lines of size 9 text for a signature.
Sorry to make my first new post in nearly two weeks a rant, but while I'm not posting much, I am reading - and that's going to make reading more work than it needs to be.