Another update for you guys before I hit the bed...
@lozz08- laziness won... or rather... when I told the wife how much it all was adding up to... she said NO to the on-board pump... note the schrader valve on the right side of the gun
oh well... theres always next build.
So... after yet another re-design... and some parts having FINALLY arrived in the mail... I present to you... WORKING PIPES!!! (barrel in background, unscrewed)
Im pretty happy with its overall preformance so far. I only took it up to 120psi just to see if it would shoot.... and shoot it did. Eventually planing on taking her to ~250psi
Two shots taken at 20 yards... two direct hits... target was basically the size of a paper plate. Shooting into 1" thick red wood.... NOT PLYWOOD OR PARTICLE BOARD!!! Its whisper quiet too... pumped it to 120psi and shot it inside the house (wasn't loaded... naturally) to see if it was holding air... baby 30feet away didn't wake up