A little project I would like to do.

Boom! The classic potato gun harnesses the combustion of flammable vapor. Show us your combustion spud gun and discuss fuels, ratios, safety, ignition systems, tools, and more.
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Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:33 am

warhead052 wrote:If any of you can help me with syringe metering, or any kind of metering that won't get me into trouble with my mom, then that would be awesome.
http://www.inpharmix.com/jps/Fuel%20Met ... ghter.html

She might suspect you started injecting yourself with heroin, but at least you're not making spudguns ;)
hectmarr wrote:You have to make many weapons, because this field is long and short life
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Sun Jun 26, 2011 10:35 am

Haha. I am not the type of person to go with drugs though, I am the type of person who supports law enforcement and the military and hope to get into some branch like that. So drugs are a no no for me... Thanks for the link by the way.
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Sun Jun 26, 2011 2:24 pm

I don't suggest gasoline vapors, as I recall the vapor pressure is only about 4psi, so it's darned hard to fuel with gasoline. I did however manage to fuel a spray 'n' pray by soaking a paper towel in it then letting it sit in the chamber, clicking away until ignition was achieved.

As has been said many times before on this forum, for any given alkane structure, the maximum pressure is pretty similar. You'll see no gains in 2,2,4-methylpentane (gasoline) over butane or even propane if you have the mixes correct.
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