Found an old piece of PVC laying around in my garage at around the same time I finished my Powerade and figured it was divine providence.
Cut a hole in the bottom, used an old piezo igniter, duct tape at the seems ({sarcasm}because there's nothing safer{/sarcasm})
Shoots AA batteries about 70 feet. Shoots old chap stick bottles about 40.
Also, the clear chamber is quite nice.
Burst of Right Guard was used as propellant.
Powerade Mini
- risto
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haha, yeah i was tinkering around with it and got it to fire about 100 feet using this Arrid (sp?) deodorant stuff. Then I wrapped a AA battery with a little bit of tape to make it more air tight. It got stuck in the barrel and the cap blew off.
Kinda cool to know that the cap will fail before the chamber! Now I must drink another powerade...
Kinda cool to know that the cap will fail before the chamber! Now I must drink another powerade...