I am pretty sure it was a pneumatic although they didn't state it The chamber was about 6'-8' of steel 4" or so pipe. The valve was on the end then attached to a weird multi barrel they created. 6 2.5" barrels protruded from it each at about a 30 degree angle. Each tennis ball was tied to part of a net and then when fired was able to encase Adam. (Now i'm not referring to shooting at a person, as is prohibited by rule 2 on this site, just stating how they tested it)
I was curious of what type pressures and configurations would be required to achieve 6 balls leaving the barrels at relatively the same time in order to achieve a proper "web-like" effect. It seems to me it would take a huge amount a pressure and possibly some interesting barrel configuration in order to keep the balls together. Just curious as to what yall think.Discussion of shooting anything at any person and/or animal is prohibited, and may result in a permanent banning of your account.
PS, sorry if I posted in the wrong area. New to the site.